Tips for protecting your car in heavy rain

Tips for protecting your car in heavy rain

Rainwater can damage your car in many ways. That's why before and during the rainy season we must protect the car to prevent water damage, these tips can be helpful in preparing for storms.

Cars are a great investment that we often make with great effort. That is why we must always take care of it and protect it so that in addition to a flawless car, it also maintains the value of your car.

Protecting your vehicle from weather and water damage is an important and often neglected aspect of car ownership. The truth is that water is very corrosive, it breeds mold and fungus, and it also seems to get into any crack. 

The best protect your car from the rain and thus prevent it from affecting the physical or even functional aspect of the car.

That's why here we give you some tips on how to protect your car during heavy rain.

1.- Repair of gaskets, seals and leaks 

Simply put, if you have bad seals, gaskets, or leaks, it means that water will seep into any small cracks and form large puddles that will cause rust on your car. If the seals on the trim, doors, windows, or truck are damaged or loose, water will somehow mysteriously get inside.

 2.- Wash and wax your car 

Maintaining a car's paintwork in good condition is essential to your personal presentation and is paramount to making a good impression.

If the paint on your car is in good condition, it needs to be given the necessary maintenance to keep it flawless at all times. One of the best ways to take care of this look is to apply wax.

Hard wax will prevent water from getting into the paint and dissolving it. A common problem in areas near the ocean is rust, which occurs when morning dew settles on the paint and begins to soften and corrode the metal underneath. 

3.- Check the condition of your tires. 

An important aspect of preventive maintenance is ensuring that the tire has enough tread depth to withstand heavy rain. If your tread is too low, you may skid through the water and be unable to brake even at low speeds. 

Tires in poor condition during the rainy season are very dangerous operating conditions that can lead to serious fatal accidents.

4.- Water-repellent impregnation of windows.  

Rain-X makes windshield washer fluid that helps repel water. This can make a difference day and night when driving in a storm. 

You can also use silicone sealants on windows and under the car to repel water. Some windshield wipers permanently apply layers of silicone to the windshield to repel water, snow and ice all season long.

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