Comparison of Ute double cab 4xXNUMX vehicles: Isuzu D-Max and Mazda BT-XNUMX
Test Drive

Comparison of Ute double cab 4xXNUMX vehicles: Isuzu D-Max and Mazda BT-XNUMX

Are you planning to buy ute for your family? Maybe you have a dual use, like you need it for work, to carry things. и You wonder how good a family car it can be. 

We have two cars, Mazda BT-50 and Isuzu D-Max, and I'm going to tell you which one is best for a family.

I've already tested both of these devices individually and we've compiled them here to give you a really good idea of ​​how they compare and how to live with them.

Mazda is the mid-range BT-50 XTR, which costs around $57 before travel expenses. This Isuzu is the pinnacle of the X-Terrain range and costs just under $60. So, similar prices, but what do you get for your money? 

Let's dive into this. 

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