Old theories of the solar system shattered into dust

Old theories of the solar system shattered into dust

There are other stories told by the stones of the solar system. On New Year's Eve from 2015 to 2016, a 1,6 kg meteor hit near Katya Tanda Lake Air in Australia. Scientists have been able to track it and locate it across vast desert areas thanks to a new camera network called the Desert Fireball Network, which consists of 32 surveillance cameras scattered across the Australian outback.

A group of scientists discovered a meteorite buried in a thick layer of salt mud - the dry bottom of the lake began to turn into silt due to precipitation. After preliminary studies, scientists said that this is most likely a stony chondrite meteorite - material about 4 and a half billion years old, that is, the time of the formation of our solar system. The significance of a meteorite is important because by analyzing the line of fall of an object, we can analyze its orbit and find out where it came from. This data type provides important contextual information for future research.

At the moment, scientists have determined that the meteor flew to Earth from areas between Mars and Jupiter. It is also believed to be older than Earth. The discovery not only allows us to understand evolution Solar system - Successful interception of a meteorite gives hope to get more space stones in the same way. The lines of the magnetic field crossed the cloud of dust and gas that surrounded the once-born sun. Chondrules, round grains (geological structures) of olivines and pyroxenes, scattered in the matter of the meteorite we found, have preserved a record of these ancient variable magnetic fields.

The most precise laboratory measurements show that the main factor that stimulated the formation of the solar system was magnetic shock waves in a cloud of dust and gas surrounding the newly formed sun. And this happened not in the immediate vicinity of the young star, but much further - where the asteroid belt is today. Such conclusions from the study of the most ancient and primitive named meteorites chondrites, published late last year in the journal Science by scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Arizona State University.

An international research team has extracted new information about the chemical composition of the dust grains that formed the solar system 4,5 billion years ago, not from primordial debris, but using advanced computer simulations. Researchers at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne and the University of Lyon in France have created a two-dimensional map of the chemical composition of the dust that makes up the solar nebula. dust disk around the young sun from which the planets formed.

High-temperature material was expected to be close to the young sun, while volatiles (such as ice and sulfur compounds) were expected to be away from the sun, where temperatures are low. The new maps created by the research team showed a complex chemical distribution of the dust, where volatile compounds were close to the Sun, and those that should have been found there also stayed away from the young star.

Jupiter is the great cleaner

9. Illustration of the Migrating Jupiter Theory

The previously mentioned concept of a moving young Jupiter may explain why there are no planets between the Sun and Mercury and why the planet closest to the Sun is so small. Jupiter's core may have formed close to the Sun and then meandered in the region where the rocky planets formed (9). It is possible that the young Jupiter, as it traveled, absorbed some of the material that could be building material for rocky planets, and threw the other part into space. Therefore, the development of the inner planets was difficult - simply because of the lack of raw materials., wrote planetary scientist Sean Raymond and colleagues in an online March 5 article. in the periodical Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Raymond and his team ran computer simulations to see what would happen to the internal Solar systemif a body with a mass of three Earth masses existed in the orbit of Mercury and then migrated outside the system. It turned out that if such an object did not migrate too quickly or too slowly, it could clear the inner regions of the disk of the gas and dust that then surrounded the Sun, and would leave only enough material for the formation of rocky planets.

The researchers also found that a young Jupiter could have caused a second core that was ejected by the Sun during Jupiter's migration. This second nucleus could be the seed from which Saturn was born. Jupiter's gravity can also pull a lot of matter into the asteroid belt. Raymond notes that such a scenario could explain the formation of iron meteorites, which many scientists believe should form relatively close to the Sun.

However, in order for such a proto-Jupiter to move to the outer regions of the planetary system, a lot of luck is required. Gravitational interactions with spiral waves in the disk surrounding the Sun could accelerate such a planet both outside and inside the solar system. The speed, distance and direction in which the planet will move depend on such quantities as the temperature and density of the disk. Raymond and colleagues' simulations use a very simplified disk, and there should be no original cloud around the Sun.

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