Is it worth breaking down in the car?

Is it worth breaking down in the car?

The running-in of the new car was an important period, which lasted about 1000 kilometers. We're not talking about burglary anymore today, but it's still important to take some precautions at the start of your vehicle's life so that all parts are ready. In the event of a car breakdown, it is not just the engine that is involved, but also the tires and brakes.

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Is it worth breaking down in the car?

It used to be important to run in a new car. We were talking about running-in period, the period of time after purchase that lasted several hundred kilometers which consisted of careful driving until the car was finished.

In short, break-in is a kind of warm-up period after buying a new car, which is used to adapt parts before they are fully operational. Running-in concerns not only the engine, but also brakesespecially brake pads,clutch or Transmission.

Cars have changed a lot today. High precision machining, better mechanical parts and other materials. This way your engine expands significantly less and the friction of new parts is also less.

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Is it worth breaking down in the car?

Is it necessary to break in a new car? In the past, breaking your new car was necessary. All parts and parts subject to friction, such as brakes, clutch, gearbox, and of course the engine, took a certain period of time to erase the treatment.

Today, the running-in phase, as previously understood, no longer exists. For the first few hundred kilometers, it is no longer necessary to drive carefully, not climbing towers or moving too fast. V emptying systematic 1000 km is also not relevant.

However, the hack has not completely disappeared, even if we no longer talk about it in such terms. After buying a new car, it is still good to use it a little more carefully at first. But nothing prevents you from entering the highway at a speed of 130 km / h when leaving the car dealership.

Manufacturers do not talk about the running-in phase either. Some still give some tips for use on the first hundred kilometers of your car: don't climb too much on the towers, especially in cold weather, level the levels correctly, or even handle the gearbox with delicacy.

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Is it worth breaking down in the car?

Previously, the break-in of a car was carried out with careful driving and lasted about 1000 kilometers, after which it was necessary to change the oil. From now on, the break-in period for a new car, strictly speaking, no longer exists. However, leaving a little time to prepare your vehicle can increase its durability.

Here are a few tips to follow to get your car in a good run:

  • Do not exceed a certain speed for the first hundred kilometers: 3500 rounds / min for a gasoline car and 4000 rounds / min run in a diesel car;
  • Do not exceed three-quarters of the vehicle's maximum speed during the first 1000 kilometers;
  • Avoid full acceleration at the same time;
  • Control yours oil level 500 kilometers;
  • Try to avoid hard braking for the first 150 kilometers if you are driving in a city, and 500 kilometers if you are driving mainly on the road;
  • In the case of a manual transmission, completely disengage and slowly change gears;
  • Drive with extreme caution during From 300 500 kilometers up it's time to install new tires because they don't have optimal grip when shipped from the factory.

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Is it worth breaking down in the car?

When the actual break-in phase was in effect, it was believed that it would last about a thousand kilometers, after which the car had to be oiled for the first time. This is no longer the case today. However, you may feel that excessive revs should be avoided during first hundred kilometers and that when running in the brake pads and gearbox, From 150 500 kilometers up.

Now you know all about the break-in period of a car! As you can imagine, the break-in is not as strict as 15 or 20 years ago due to the higher quality of the vehicle. However, some precautions in use and a certain respect for the mechanics at the beginning of your vehicle's life will extend it.

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