Should you wash your car in winter?
Machine operation

Should you wash your car in winter?

Many drivers do not wash their cars in winter. This is unwise as it increases the likelihood of corrosion and scratches on the paintwork. On the other hand, when deciding to clean your car, you must be careful not to freeze the locks and damage fragile components. If you are wondering how to safely wash your car in winter, check out our article - we will answer all your questions!

What will you learn from this post?

  • Why should you wash your car in winter?
  • What items should be fixed when washing the car in winter?
  • Which car wash should you choose?
  • How to wash your car in winter yourself?

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Although washing a car in winter is a little problematic, it is better not to neglect this stage, otherwise the car body will be much more prone to corrosion. When cleaning a car, take care of the locks and seals. If you don't have a heated garage, use a car wash - one that offers additional drying is best.

In winter, do not refuse to wash your car!

Although some car owners prefer not to wash their car in winter, it is best not to follow their example. Why? Because difficult road conditions require that regularly take care of the paintwork. Salt, sand and gravel on the road they act aggressively on the body of the car and contribute to its faster corrosion. Only a thorough wash will allow get rid of garbage from the surface of the car.

Also, do not forget that in winter you can often find heavy snowfall, as well as a precipice, that is, prolonged rain that makes roads covered in mud. It all makes the windows dirty significantly reducing visibility. Therefore, regular car washing is an activity that should not be neglected.

Winter body wash - beware!

The main thing to look out for when washing your car is of course temperature... If this 2 ° Cthen the probability of freezing the locks is minimal. Therefore, if you are planning car body wash, do it when the temperature stays the same plus values. Contrary to appearances, there are many such days in our climate - severe frosts are much rarer and usually last a week, and then disappear.

Should you wash your car in winter?

If the temperature drops below 2 ° C, this can happen. freezing locks Oraz pads. To prevent this from happening, you should wash your car after washing it. dry it. This is also worth doing in a heated place – garage or workshop. If you freeze the car, not only the locks will freeze, but also the frosts. chassis, which often leads to damage to the factory anti-corrosion coating and reasons dents in the car bodyweakening of the exhaust protection and muffler.

Car wash - which one to choose?

There is no need to hide that the most convenient way to wash your car in winter is to use it. car wash. However, it should be remembered that most of them are usually available to the public. detrimental effect on the condition of the car body. What to remember when choosing a car wash?

The most common place that vehicle owners use to clean their car is automatic car wash. Although the very idea of ​​this washing method is very good, the problem is frequency of replacement of brushes. The new tip is not no damage to the paintwork, however, many owners are looking for savings and are significantly extending their lifespan. This, unfortunately, is bad for the body. While drivers are generally advised not to use an automatic car wash, this option works well in winter. better than self service. Why? Because in the latter case, mechanical drying of the vehicle occurs. it is impossible, and before the driver himself has time to wipe the body, the locks and chassis will freeze.

It is much less popular textile car wash Or sponge. You can only meet them in big cities in certain places. However, the brushes in such car washes are safe for paintwork, and after washing the car is thoroughly dried. You can also choose hand car wash – although this is the most expensive option, does not damage varnish and allows you to get rid of dirt from the chassis and body, as well as wheels and windows. Moreover, this option is ideal for cold days. The machine is cleaned by personnel who make sure that the machine is completely dry and protection places like hair Oraz seals.

Home laundry - you will need it!

If there is, of course heated garage, you can wash your car at home. However, don't forget to apply. quality care products, which will not only get rid of dirt, but also protect the varnish from corrosion and aggressive action of external factors.

Use body shampoo and undercarriage and sills care. Way down drying machine take soft microfiber towels - perfect absorb water i they do not scratch the surface. Also avoid waxing the car body with traditional paste - at sub-zero temperatures, their work is very short.

Should you wash your car in winter?

If you want to keep your car in good condition, do not neglect regular cleaning, even in winter. Use with car wash Or wash the car yourself in case you have a heated garage. Everything necessary resources can be found in the Nocar online store - you are welcome!

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Cut it out,

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