Should you buy electric car power tools?
Auto repair

Should you buy electric car power tools?

No matter what automotive technician jobs you typically do, you need the right power tools to get them done right. This often brings up the question "is it worth buying electric car power tools?" Before we answer this question, let's take a look at the pros and cons of these tools and the alternatives.

Let's start with the challenger: power tools. However, this is far from a new form. Power tools are the norm in most people's garages and in their homes. They are convenient, especially when they come with a power supply, but still powerful enough.

They are also extremely user friendly. All you have to do is either plug them in or make sure the power supply is connected and you can start using these tools. When working with electric tools, you literally do not have to wait.

This is especially useful for those of you who work as an auto mechanic in a garage or dealership that is usually very busy. One person can put down the drill and another pick it up and get to work right away. You don't have to worry about forming any line and slowing down the whole operation because of it.

Mobile mechanics love them too because these tools are easy to take on the go. No need to access the pneumatic air compressor, which is inconvenient to move.

Disadvantages of Using Electric Automotive Tools

At the same time, electric automotive tools, no matter how popular they may be, are not without drawbacks. First, they simply cost more than the alternative. Depending on the size of your business, you may find that you need several of these, which can add up quickly.

You will also need a lot of electricity. This is why corded electric automotive power tools are no longer suitable. Besides being dangerous to have all those cords all over the place, you would most likely run out of room for an outlet pretty quickly too. Power supplies still need to be charged, which also takes up space in the outlet. However, they won't last an entire work day, which means you'll need additional power tools already charged (unfortunately, this will increase your budget).

Pneumatic or "pneumatic" tools certainly deserve attention as well. For all intents and purposes, the end result will be the same in terms of what the tool does. It will not be affected. However, pneumatic tools are generally better for jobs that require a lot of torque or power. Most electric automotive power tools will be fine for most of the jobs you do, but you may find there is a breaking point.

Despite how much power they can pack, these tools are also much lighter. When you use these tools day after day, it's not a trivial thing. Fatigue can be a real problem, so having lighter tools helps. They are also smaller. It will be easier for you to get to different parts of the car without having to remove parts that get in your way.

Arguments against using pneumatic tools

These tools are not perfect either. First, air compressors can be expensive. You can try buying used versions, but you'll need to be incredibly careful to make sure you're not paying for one that actually has a leak or some other problem.

Even though you have to work to maintain your power tools, you won't need the same schedule as you would to maintain an air compressor. Otherwise, your investment will soon go bad and your store won't have the tools needed to help customers. Even budget models that work without the use of oil need regular maintenance.

There is also no "portable" version of the pneumatic tool. Real tools may be smaller and lighter, but they need air to work, and for that you need a hose. These hoses must also be of high quality, as the cheaper ones almost always leak. As with running cords, having these hoses all over the floor can be a safety hazard, so people need to be careful.

So what's the verdict? If you're looking for tools to use in your own garage, you might be better off with an electric one. You can take these tools indoors too. In a professional garage, a combination of the two is probably best. You can't avoid the need for pneumatic tools, but electric models are still useful.

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