Is it worth buying a DVR?
Auto repair

Is it worth buying a DVR?

If you love watching viral videos on social media, you must be familiar with dash cam videos. You know those—car crashes caught on camera through the windshield of a car, powerful explosions in the distance from the perspective of a person inside the car, or racing videos of sports cars overtaking each other on the Interstate.

DVRs are a popular device, especially abroad, in regions such as Russia. It is from there that most of the video content from the DVRs comes from, although there is nothing extraordinary about Russian drivers, which makes them exceptionally recordable.

Will a video recorder help you? What will you get by equipping your car with a DVR?

How the DVR works

To understand if a DVR is useful for you, it is important to know how it works. As a rule, DVRs are not installed on the dashboard, but on the rear-view mirror. They record with a wide-angle video lens to capture footage right in front of your car. As a rule, they are battery-operated, but they can also be wired. Many of them support GPS to show the speed on the screen.

Most DVRs can be customized to suit your needs. If you want to turn it on and off manually, you can do so. If you want to keep an eye on your surroundings while your car is parked, many have a parking mode to make this possible. Some turn on and off according to your ignition cycle, while others turn on with GPS-detected movement.

Video is recorded to a MicroSD card, some of which have almost unlimited capacity. They can be used for very long recordings, such as tens of hours or more.

Who should buy a DVR?

DVRs appeal to a wide range of demographics. Here are some examples of why it is convenient to have a DVR. If you identify with any of them, you might want to buy a dash cam yourself!

Road accidents

Everyone knows someone who has been in a car accident liability dispute, or has been in the situation himself. Someone crashes into someone else, and no one wants to take the blame for the collision. If you have a dash cam, you can record who was at fault in the accident to provide evidence to the authorities.

It's also great if you've just witnessed a collision in front of you. You can help by offering the evidence needed to unambiguously determine the guilt of the parties involved. Because the video is recorded on a microSD card, you can email the video file to anyone. Or you can submit it to a viral video site of your choice.

Parking damage

Have you ever walked out of the grocery store and found a scratch on your car that you could swear wasn't there before you walked in? View the footage on the DVR. If you set the camera to parking mode when you leave your car, it will record everything while you are away, showing you exactly who pulled into your car. With any luck, you might catch a license plate and chase them for damage.

It's also great to have in the event of a car break-in. Let's just say thieves aren't always the smartest and won't necessarily find the DVR recording their criminal activities. Catch the pearl white thief on camera to show the authorities, or if the thief has a little more common sense, they will see the dash cam and aim for another vehicle instead.

Concerned Parents

If you have teenage drivers (or older children) who have borrowed your car, you will probably worry about how they drive and treat it. If you have a dash cam, you can record where and when they drive, as well as how they drive. If they are speeding, the GPS-enabled dash cam will let you know how fast they were driving. Did they go where they were forbidden? Yep, you know that too. Did they come out of curfew in your car? The timestamp will tell you for sure.

Fraud Prevention

Several trends have emerged where attackers try to cash in by defrauding drivers or insurance companies. Either intentional car crashes or pedestrians deliberately hit by your car—yes, you read that right—became a way for behind-the-scenes citizens to swindle thousands of dollars from people who couldn't prove malice.

With a dash cam, you will have proof that the accident was staged or that a pedestrian deliberately threw himself in front of your vehicle. It's scary to think that this could happen, but if you don't have a camera to record the action, you could be a target for such a scam.

Amazing footage

Along with amazing crashes, you can capture some really amazing footage with your dash cam. Whether you see a man chasing a driverless vehicle, a massive explosion, a meteor crashing to the ground, or a UFO landing in a cornfield, you'll have video proof of what's going on, not just some crazy story that listeners won't notice. .

While dash cams are optional in your vehicle, there are a few reasons why it can be beneficial to have and use one. DVRs are available in all price ranges, from basic low cost models to high end HD quality recorders.

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