Dry and cracked heels - how to deal with it?
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Dry and cracked heels - how to deal with it?

Summer is the time when legs in sandals or slippers are more often bare, proudly presenting an impeccable pedicure. Unfortunately, dry and cracked heels can effectively ruin the impressive effect of visiting a beauty salon. How to deal with this problem in order to be able to enjoy the freedom of wearing open shoes?

Dry cracked heels - where does the problem come from?

Keratosis and dry heels are fairly common problems. Why only in heels? The skin in this area can even be twice as thick as in other parts of the body, but it does not have the ability to quickly exfoliate, therefore, if this process is not maintained manually (peeling, grater), the heels are prone to keratinization. .

The state of hydration of the whole body is also important for the condition of the feet. Then dry heels will become a natural consequence of improper hydration - another good reason to drink enough water throughout the day!

Inappropriate shoes and socks made of artificial impenetrable material can also aggravate the problem. The leg sweats, shoes squeeze it - not only can the skin not function normally, but also favorable conditions are created for the development of pathogenic microorganisms, incl. fungi or bacteria.

The specific height of the heel in shoes also does not correspond to the heel itself - both too low and too high require an unphysiological position of the foot, which means inadequate pressure on the heel. This, in turn, affects the condition of the sole of the foot.

In addition to aspects of care, health issues should also be considered - in some cases, hyperkeratosis of the feet can be genetic or result from a disease, such as diabetes.

Home remedies for smooth and beautiful legs

There are many home remedies for cracked and damaged heels. They are usually effective for light, non-embarrassing changes or when you want to start moisturizing your heels regularly.

Healing salt baths are ideal for softening. Such soaking of the feet for 15-20 minutes can be done while watching a series, reading a book or working at a computer. It does not require any special preparations from us, all you need is warm water, a bowl, specialized coarse salt and your favorite essential oil, although this is an additional option. For people with insecure proportions or those who like to go the easy way, pre-made salt blends are the best choice, which not only take care of the appearance of the legs, but also smell great, improving mood with additional aromatherapy.

Another interesting option, straight from your pantry, is soaking your feet in a flaxseed slurry. Its amazing properties are known not only in cooking, but also in cosmetics - it is a fantastic moisturizing supplement, for example, for scalp care. Pour 1/3 cup of seeds in boiling water or warm water and let cool. The broth may thicken a little by then - this is a natural process. To make it more comfortable to use, you can add more water to get the right consistency. Then wet your feet or the heels themselves and hold them for a while. Remove but do not rinse your feet with water, then use a pumice stone or grater as desired. Feet will be smooth and fresh!

Peeling is an effective method for rough heels

You will achieve the fastest results using peels. They can be designed for manual use, such as graters, pumice or chemical, most often using acids in various concentrations.

Electric mechanical peeling devices available on the market are designed to help the user get rid of calloused skin. They are extremely fast-acting and effective, but care must be taken when using them - too intensive and frequent use can lead to the effect opposite to the intended one, i.e. to even more keratinization and overdrying.

In addition, this rule applies to all peeling methods. Remember! Your skin is not your enemy, but your friend. Handle it with care. Such heavy exfoliation, chafing, and constant irritation can exacerbate problems rather than go away.

If your heels are in poor condition and will require a lot of effort to restore them to their glory, it is best to first use a mechanical exfoliation, such as a sugar scrub from Paloma or a delicate heel grater from Bielenda Professional. Chemical peels, or enzymatic peels, are recommended for regular use. They are slightly more delicate, do not cause microdamages and are easy to use, for example, by applying a special preparation to the feet, and then covering it all with soft socks.

Moisturizers are your best ally in the fight against cracked heels

How to moisturize dry heels permanently and effectively to get rid of the problem quickly? Unfortunately, regularity and regular maintenance of adequate hydration has the greatest impact on their condition. Due to the characteristic type of epidermis in these places, in addition to moisturizing, decent creams should also soften them in order to speed up the regeneration of damaged areas.

Urea is a brilliant ingredient that is great for soft heels. This substance is found naturally in human skin, preventing excessive leakage of water from the cells. When applied externally in the appropriate concentration, it causes mild exfoliation and promotes deep penetration of other active substances into the tissues. It also accelerates the regeneration of the coarsened epidermis.

Also, the presence of allantoin, panthenol or lanolin will perfectly protect against excessive water loss, creating a protective and regenerative layer. It is worth looking for creams that contain at least one of them with a high content of the product.

Cream for cracked heels - rating

The most chosen and highly rated creams with amazing results:

  • Garnier Intensive Regeneration in red tube;
  • Regenerating heel serum Regenerum;
  • Scholl - regenerating cream for cracked heels;
  • Silcare Pedicure Systems Nappa Foot Cream.

Dry heels shouldn't bother you anymore. The presence of specialized preparations and effective products will certainly make it easier for you to get perfect and smooth legs, which you can safely demonstrate in just bought sandals or on the beach. Just remember about regular care and proper hydration of the body.

Check out more tips from my passion I care about beauty.


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