Maintenance and care of the earthmoving rammer
Repair tool

Maintenance and care of the earthmoving rammer

Do earthen rammers rust?

It depends on the material of your soil rammer, but if you leave it in constant or heavy rain, the metal-handled rammer will rust over time.

Similarly, a wooden handle left in constant rain will start to rot.

Maintenance and care of the earthmoving rammerFiberglass handles do not rust as they are made of glass and plastic. However, over time, plastic can lose its elasticity and crack or become brittle.

To preserve the life of your earthmoving rammer, it is best to keep it indoors or under a shed.

How do you keep them clean?

Maintenance and care of the earthmoving rammerIt is important to make sure no clods of soil stick to the bottom of the rammer head as this will affect the performance of the rammer.



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