Typical malfunctions of gasoline engines. What most often fails in "gasoline cars"?
Machine operation

Typical malfunctions of gasoline engines. What most often fails in "gasoline cars"?

Gasoline engines used to be called armored engines. Modern drives, although more powerful and better performing, tend to be more malfunctioning. What most often fails in "gasoline cars"? We present the typical breakdowns of gasoline engines.

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  • What is the most common failure in gasoline engines?

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In modern gasoline engines, electronics often fail, and most importantly, all kinds of sensors. The ignition coils and timing chain are worn out, and the throttle valve is sometimes an emergency. Carbon buildup is also a problem on direct injection models.

Capricious electronics - a problem with sensors

Modern gasoline engines are equipped with electronics that not only improve driving comfort, but above all, improves the combustion process. The on-board computer is the brain of the entire system. Based on the data on the parameters of the drive, it decides on the amount of fuel taken and the frequency of injection. This information is provided by the sensors. The more sensors appear in the drive, the more detailed data goes to the computer. Thanks to these small elements, the vehicle achieves adequate power and optimal combustionbut that's what they are the biggest weakness of gasoline engines.

Sensors collect all kinds of information – about the pressure and temperature of liquids, the speed of rotation, the flow of exhaust gases, and even the intensity of rain or approaching dusk. Which of them are the most important and how do they fail?

    • Air mass sensoror flow meter, collects data on the mass of air flowing into the engine, on the basis of which the computer makes a decision selection of a suitable dose of fuel... A sign of a malfunction of the flow meter is uneven engine idling or no power during acceleration.
    • Pull on the belt - based on her reading the control computer adjusts the air-fuel ratiowhich affects the correct operation of the engine. Since this sensor works in extreme conditions (heating up to 300 degrees Celsius), it often fails. The most obvious symptom of a problem is significantly increased combustion sometimes even 50%.
    • Crankshaft position sensor - the information it provides is suitable for, among other things, stabilizing the engine at idle. A sign of its failure is the uneven operation of the engine.

Typical malfunctions of gasoline engines. What most often fails in "gasoline cars"?

Direct injection and carbon deposits problem

On some modern engines injectors are installed directly into the combustion chamber... This solution allows it to be used in an engine. precisely measured amount of gasolinethanks to which the power unit achieves excellent dynamics with less fuel consumption. Reduced fuel consumption it also reduces the emission of harmful compounds.

However, equipping the engine with a direct injection system has a serious drawback. The fuel-air mixture flows directly into the combustion chamber, i.e. does not wash the suction valves and head channels from the accumulation of carbon deposits on them – sediment from unburned fuel and oil particles. Soot accumulated over the years can lead to complete failure of the entire engine. Its deposition is affected by the use of low-quality gasoline and too infrequent replacement of engine oil.

Worn ignition coils

Owners of "gasoline cars" often have to deal with damaged ignition coils. The problem can be frustrating because malfunction means the cylinder is stuck... The design of the four-cylinder engine in some vehicles allows you to get to the nearest service station in an emergency. If one coil serves all cylinders, it becomes necessary to call a tow truck.

A common cause of coil failure is wear of ignition cables, neglecting to change spark plugs, or a poorly installed gas system. The malfunction manifests itself ambiguously - drop in engine power, uneven idling, or problems starting.

Typical malfunctions of gasoline engines. What most often fails in "gasoline cars"?

Damaged throttle valve

The throttle valve is responsible for decreasing or increasing the amount of air entering the intake manifold. When we step on the gas pedal, its tabs open, letting in air, which makes it the engine can run faster, throttle valve malfunction This is evidenced by uneven engine operation, especially at idle speed, as well as unexpected engine shutdown during braking, for example, when we approach a traffic light.

Timing chain - for periodic replacement

Having built turbocharged power units, engineers turned to timing chains again. In older cars, these elements were considered indestructible - their service life reached 300 km. However, in modern cars, they must transmit more power and torque, which makes them they are under enormous stress... Timing systems are currently based on chain operation. require periodic inspection and, unfortunately, the replacement of some components. Unfortunately, since the replacement is not only limited to the chain, but also it also includes other parts - timing pulley, hydraulic tensioner and guides..

Typical malfunctions of gasoline engines. What most often fails in "gasoline cars"?

More power, better performance, comfort and safety – modern cars offer a lot. However, since they are equipped with electronics, they can be an emergency. Regular inspections and the quick elimination of minor defects are the basis for maintaining a car in good technical condition.

It turns out that your car needs to be repaired several times? Take a look at avtotachki.com - thanks to the search for spare parts by make, model and type of engine, you will quickly and easily find the right ones.

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