Types of road signs in 2022 in pictures
Auto repair

Types of road signs in 2022 in pictures

National road traffic regulations allow the use of several hundred road signs, which differ in purpose, requirements, place of application, shape and colors used. This article describes road signs with explanations, of which there are 8 categories, united by functionality and external distinguishing features.


Types of road signs in 2022 in pictures


Traffic rules on road signs

A road sign is a single image or inscription on a technical means of ensuring road safety located on a public road. They are installed to inform drivers and other road users about the proximity or location of a road infrastructure object, a change in traffic mode, or to convey other important information.

National pointers are standardized. Their full equivalents are used in other signatory countries to the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals. Descriptions of all road signs are given in Appendix 1 to the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation.

Installation Rules

All sizes of road signs and installation rules are regulated by the current national standards GOST R 52289-2004 and GOST R 52290-2004. For new signs developed in recent years, an additional GOST R 58398-2019 has been adopted.

Standards selectively refer to the places of installation of signs. Some of them are installed in advance, others - directly in front of the object or the mode change zone.

The location in relation to the roadway can also be different. For example, lane markers are located above the road. Most of the others are located on the right side of the road in relation to traffic.


If signs of different types are to be installed on the same pole, the following gradation should be used: first priority signs, then warning signs, then signs of direction and special instructions, then prohibition signs. The least important signs are information and service signs, which are placed in the right or lowest position.

Categories of road signs

In Russia, as in other countries that have ratified the Vienna Convention on Road Signs, all road signs are divided into 8 categories.

1. Warning

Types of road signs in 2022 in pictures

The purpose of warning signs is to inform the driver that they are approaching an area that may be dangerous to the vehicle, other road users or pedestrians. The driver must take this information into account and take action to improve road safety. For example, slow down, be prepared to come to a complete stop, or take a closer look at the curb. It is impossible to violate the requirements of such signs - they only inform drivers and do not prohibit any maneuvers.

These signs are usually triangular in shape with a red border. The main background is white and the photos are black. The exceptions are those that inform about the level crossing and indicate the direction of the turn.

2. Forbidding

Types of road signs in 2022 in pictures

Prohibition signs indicate the absolute prohibition of any maneuver - overtaking, stopping, turning, turning on the spot, passing, etc. Violation of the requirements of these signs is a violation of traffic rules and is punishable by a fine. Signs that cancel a previously imposed ban are also included in this group.

All signs of this group have a round shape, and the main color is white. Prohibition signs have a red border, and prohibition signs have a black border. The colors used in the images are red, black, and blue.

Signs of this group are installed in front of intersections and turnarounds and, if necessary, no further than 25 m within settlements and no further than 50 m outside settlements. The prohibition ceases to be valid after the corresponding sign or intersection.

3. Priority Signs

Types of road signs in 2022 in pictures

Used to determine the order of passage of unregulated intersections, intersections and sections of roads with insufficient width. These include the classic “give way with priority”, “main road” signs, etc.

Signs of this type are knocked out of the usual image scheme - they can be of any shape, and the colors used are red, black, white, blue and yellow. Priority signs are installed immediately before the start of the main road, exit, interchange, intersection. The sign "End of the main road" is installed in front of the end zone of the main road.

4. Prescriptive

Types of road signs in 2022 in pictures

Direction signs indicate the obligation to perform a maneuver, such as turning or driving straight ahead. Failure to comply with this requirement is considered a traffic violation and is punishable by a fine.

Bicycle and pedestrian paths are also marked with these signs. Further in this direction, only pedestrians or cyclists are allowed to move.

Prescribed signs are usually circle-shaped with a blue background. The exception is the "Direction of Dangerous Goods", which has a rectangular shape.

Mandatory signs are installed before the beginning of the section requiring the execution of the maneuver. The end is indicated by the corresponding sign with a red slash. In the absence of a red slash, the sign ceases to be valid after the intersection or, if you are driving on a national road, after the end of the settlement.

5. Signs of special requirements

Types of road signs in 2022 in pictures

They regulate the introduction or abolition of special traffic rules. Their function is a combination of permissive and informational signs informing road users about the introduction of a special traffic regime and indicating the approval of actions. This group includes signs indicating highways, pedestrian crossings, public transport stops, residential, cycling and pedestrian areas, the beginning and end of a residential area, etc.

Types of road signs in 2022 in pictures

Signs of this type are in the form of a square or rectangle, usually blue. Signs indicating motorway exits and exits have a green background color. Signs indicating entry/exit to special traffic zones have a white background.

6. Informational

Types of road signs in 2022 in pictures

Information signs inform road users about the location of residential areas, as well as the introduction of mandatory or recommended driving rules. This type of sign informs drivers and pedestrians about the location of pedestrian crossings, streets, cities and towns, bus stops, rivers, museums, hotels, etc.

Information signs are usually in the form of rectangles and squares with a blue, green or white background. For temporary information signs, a yellow background is used.

7. Service marks

Types of road signs in 2022 in pictures

Service signs are for informational purposes only and do not contain any instructions for road users. Their purpose is to inform drivers or pedestrians about the location of service points such as hospitals, gas stations, public telephones, car washes, gas stations, recreation areas, etc.

Service marks are in the form of a blue rectangle, inside of which a white square with an image or an inscription is inscribed. In urban conditions, service signs are located in the immediate vicinity of the object; on rural roads, they are located at a distance of several hundred meters to several tens of kilometers from the object itself. Additional information signs are used to indicate the exact distance.

8. Signs with additional information (plates)

Types of road signs in 2022 in pictures

Used in conjunction with the main character. The purpose of these signs is to limit or clarify the main road sign. They may also contain additional information important to road users.

The signs are in the form of a white rectangle, sometimes a square. Images or inscriptions on signs are made in black. The vast majority of signs of additional information are located under the main sign. In order not to overload the driver with information, no more than two signs can be used in combination with the main sign at the same time.

Character table

A typeappointmentFormExamples
priorityGiving priority at intersections, U-turns and other dangerous placesCan be any shape, use red or black border“Give way”, “main road”, “no stopping”.
Warning signsWarns of approaching a dangerous section of the roadWhite triangle with red border, except for direction indicators and level crossings"Steep Descent", "Steep Hill", "Slippery Road", "Wild Animals", "Roadwork", "Children".
To banProhibit a specific maneuver, also indicate the cancellation of the banRound shape, with a red border to indicate the ban, with a black border to indicate the lifting of the ban."No Entry", "No Overtaking", "Weight Limit", "No Turn", "No Parking", "End All Restrictions".
PreliminaryRecommendation for a specific maneuverUsually a blue circle, but rectangular options are also possible"Straight", "Roundabout", "Sidewalk".
Special ProvisionsEstablishing or canceling driving modesWhite, blue or green rectangles"Freeway", "End of Freeway", "Tram Stop", "Artificial Potholes", "End of Pedestrian Zone".
InformationProvide information about settlements and other places, as well as speed limits.Rectangular or square, blue, white or yellow.“Object name”, “Underpass”, “Blind spot”, “Distance indicator”, “Stop line”.
Service marksWarns about the location of service objectsA blue rectangle with an inscribed white square."Telephone", "Hospital", "Police", "Hotel", "Road Post", "Gas Station".
Additional InformationClarify information to other signs and provide additional information to road usersThey are panel-shaped with a white background and black text or graphics.“Blind pedestrians”, “Working tow truck”, “Working time”, “Work area”, “Distance to the scene”.

New signs

In 2019, a new national standard GOST R 58398-2019 was adopted, which, in particular, introduced new experimental road signs. Now drivers will have to get used to new signs, for example, to a ban on entering an intersection in case of a traffic jam, duplication of “waffle” signs. There will also be new signs of dedicated lines for public transport, new lane markings, etc.

Types of road signs in 2022 in pictures

Not only drivers, but also pedestrians will have to get used to the new signs. For example, signs 5.19.3d and 5.19.4d indicate diagonal pedestrian crossings.


The minimum size of signs will also change. From now on, their size should not exceed 40 cm by 40 cm, and in some cases - 35 cm by 35 cm. Smaller signs will not block the view of drivers and will be used on non-high-speed highways and in historic urban areas.

How to test yourself for knowledge of signs

To pass the exam, students of Moscow driving schools must know all road signs. However, even experienced drivers need to know the basic road signs. Many of them are quite rare, for example, the sign "Low-flying aircraft" can only be found in airport areas. Likewise, "Falling Rocks" or "Wildlife" is unlikely to be encountered by drivers who do not travel out of town.

Therefore, even experienced drivers will do well to test themselves on the knowledge of various types of road signs, special signs and the consequences of their non-observance. You can do so with the latest online road sign tickets valid in 2022.


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