Top 10 countries with the most water scarcity in the world
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Top 10 countries with the most water scarcity in the world

Water is a vital commodity for human existence. Water shortages or water crises change hands. When fresh water use increases relative to fresh water resources, disaster strikes. Poor water management and use is the main reason why any country has had to deal with water scarcity.

While a number of water conservation programs are currently underway, there are a few countries where scarcity and crises never seem to take hold. Let's get an idea of ​​these countries and the reasons why they are facing this situation at the present time. Below are the 10 countries with the most water scarcity in the world in 2022.

10. Afghanistan

Top 10 countries with the most water scarcity in the world

It is a country whose population is growing at an alarming rate. That's why water crises are in abundance here. It is reported that only 13% of clean water is available for use by the inhabitants of the country. The rest is polluted and unhygienic water that people have to rely on. Most parts of the country are severely affected by water shortages. Lack of structure and carelessness among the people along with high population levels can be blamed to some extent for the cause of this. The lack of clean water is the main reason why the people of Afghanistan also suffer from many health problems.

9. Ethiopia

Top 10 countries with the most water scarcity in the world

While most countries on the African continent face acute water shortages, Ethiopia is the country where the severity is the highest. To maintain the population and the health of its people, Ethiopia is in dire need of fresh and clean water. Only 42% of people are reported to have access to clean water, with the rest relying only on stored and unhygienic water. The high mortality rate in the country can be explained to some extent by the presence of unhygienic water in most parts of the country. Women and children are reported to suffer from many diseases and health problems because of this. Women traveled long distances to bring water for their families.

8. Chad

Top 10 countries with the most water scarcity in the world

Being in the Horn of Africa, Chad suffers not only from a lack of water, but also from a lack of food. Hard hit by dry conditions, the country is prone to such crises many times a year. The reason why children are malnourished and soon fall ill with severe and fatal diseases may be due to climatic conditions that cause situations such as drought and famine and thus affect health. Even women and men were not spared the ill effects of this. Unhygienic and impure water caused them many diseases. Surrounding countries such as Niger and Burkina Faso were also affected, as was Chad.

7. Cambodia

Top 10 countries with the most water scarcity in the world

It is unfortunate that about 84% of the population of Cambodia do not have access to clean and fresh water. They usually rely on rainwater and its storage. Unhygienic water is the only remedy that repeatedly quenches thirst in the interior parts of the country. It is not surprising that this is an open invitation to a large number of diseases and ailments. Although the great Mekong River runs through the country, it is not enough for people to meet the demands. In any case, the river suffered during the rainy season, when rainwater is already present to support life.

6. Laos

Top 10 countries with the most water scarcity in the world

Although most of the Mekong River passes through Laos, but due to the decrease in the water level in the river in the recent past, the country has had to face serious water crises. Since the main population, which is about 80%, depends on agriculture and livelihood, the lack of water in the river affects them very badly. The river is also their main source for transportation, power generation for the country, and food production. But the decrease in the water level in the river has led to many serious situations that hinder the development of the country and its population as a whole.

5. Haiti

Top 10 countries with the most water scarcity in the world

According to statistics and various reports, Haiti is currently one of those countries that are suffering greatly due to the water crisis. About 50% of the population has access to clean and fresh water, while the rest must rely on unsafe and unhygienic water that has to be delivered after long distances. The earthquake that this country experienced in 2010 caused damage to several water sources, bringing the country to its knees, asking for help from other countries to maintain the population. Many people died as a result of this earthquake, many suffered economic damage. But the biggest losses are brought to them by the water crisis for life. Lack of water conservation plans and soil erosion are also major causes of water scarcity in the country.

4. Pakistan

Top 10 countries with the most water scarcity in the world

The depletion of resources and the lack of plans to conserve water resources have placed Pakistan among the countries where water crises are abundant. Dry conditions also cause a situation of water scarcity. The reason for this situation is also the negligent attitude of people to how to use water efficiently. Since agriculture is practiced in many parts of the country, water shortages will worsen their standard of living many times over in the coming years. With access to only 50% clean water, people in Pakistan face many diseases after drinking unhygienic and unsafe water.

3. Syria

Top 10 countries with the most water scarcity in the world

The city of Aleppo is the most critical in terms of water shortages. Syria is facing a huge water crisis and is in one worrying situation. Since water has stopped flowing from different parts of the states and even from areas under government control, the situation is getting worse every day. Although various non-governmental organizations have initiated many plans and programs aimed at solving this problem, the situation has not changed over the past few years. Over time, people began to migrate to see such conditions and survive such crises.

2. Egypt

Top 10 countries with the most water scarcity in the world

The Nile River flows through Egypt, and people who lived in the past never faced water shortages in the country. But as the river becomes heavily polluted over time, this causes it to become unhygienic and unhealthy to drink. The water level has also dropped significantly and thus people have less access to drinking water.

The irrigation system and farming methods are severely hampered for the same reasons. people have had to drink polluted water to sustain themselves and this has led to various illnesses and diseases in the recent past.

1. Somalia

Top 10 countries with the most water scarcity in the world

One of the most water-stressed countries, and one that has been devastated by war, is Somalia. The main causes of famine and loss of life in the country are largely related to the prevailing water crises there. Although the country is well equipped with water resources, which, if properly managed, can solve the problem, but since the government does not deal with this problem, the problem has existed for a long time. People have to suffer from water shortages and have to travel long distances to get drinking, clean and hygienic water. However, plans and programs are needed immediately to manage the available resources and provide people with enough water for food.

As the speed of the water becomes slower, the governments of these countries and even the leaders of each country are looking for options to solve this problem in the future. Various options and solutions are constantly being sought to reduce the problem of water crises. But the most important thing to consider is to use water sparingly and wisely in order to contain the problem to some extent.

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