Three methods of fumigation of the air conditioner - do it yourself!
Machine operation

Three methods of fumigation of the air conditioner - do it yourself!

The pleasant coolness that a car air conditioner brings on hot days will surely be appreciated by all its users. However, few of them realize that pollutants accumulating inside not only consistently damage the entire cooling system, but, above all, adversely affect their health, causing unpleasant allergies and upper respiratory tract diseases. The solution to this is disinfection, which effectively removes mold and bacteria from the ventilation. Here are three of the best cleaning methods for your air conditioner. Check out how easy it is!

What will you learn from this post?

  • When to fumigate a car air conditioner?
  • What are the methods for disinfecting the cooling system?
  • Which fumigation method is the most effective?

Shortly speaking

Bacteria, fungi and microorganisms that accumulate in the air conditioning system destroy its individual elements and reduce the quality of the air in the vehicle interior. The solution to this problem is regular cleaning of the ventilation system and replacement of the pollen filter. You can disinfect the car yourself using a special foam, an ozone generator or an ultrasonic device.

It's time to disinfect the air conditioner!

Many drivers enjoy using the air conditioner on hot days, but not everyone knows that the air conditioning system inside the air conditioner requires regular inspection and cleaning in order not to harm their health. bacteria, fungi and mold... When is the best time to carry out a comprehensive disinfection of an air conditioning system? You will achieve the most effective effect in the spring. During the autumn and winter period, moisture builds up inside your car, which is the main factor that increases the growth of bacteria in the ventilation system. If the fungus is treated in the fall, most likely, it will have to be repeated in the spring.

Three methods of fumigation of the air conditioner - do it yourself!

You also need to disinfect the air conditioner:

  • after buying a used car, when you are not sure when it was last serviced;
  • when you feel that an unpleasant smell comes from the window;
  • when, after turning on the ventilation, you notice that the air flow is much weaker.

Disinfection methods for car air conditioners

Here are three of the most popular methods for fighting air conditioning bacteria, mold and mildew, which you can easily do in the comfort of your garage after reading this article.


Disinfection using available in car stores, fungal chemicals in the form of foam or spray it is the most popular and cheapest method of fighting mold and bacteria accumulating in car ventilation. Using them is not particularly difficult, but it takes some practice and can be done in two ways.

Foam disinfection step by step

In the first method, you need to find a place in the car, from which the ventilation system will suck in the most air, and inject a disinfectant into it using a rubber tube coming out of a can of liquid. Pouring detergent into the air conditioning system, start the car, turn on the air flow at maximum speed and set it to closed loop... Make sure all windows and doors are tightly closed, wait about ten minutes outside, and after returning to the car, turn off the engine and thoroughly ventilate the interior.

Three methods of fumigation of the air conditioner - do it yourself!

The second method is a little more complicated and differs in the place where the fungicide is injected - it must be injected into the air conditioner evaporator through the ventilation holes located in the engine compartment on the passenger side, that is, under the hood of the car. . This task requires great precision.but if you follow the instructions in the guide, you will be fine. After the introduction of the foam, the rest of the process looks the same as in the first method.

This disinfection method is temporary and should be repeated more often than once a year.


Ozonation is a simple and effective method of air conditioning disinfection using active oxygen (ozone), which has strong disinfecting properties. The gaseous aggregate state is this method cleans not only the ventilation, but also the upholstery and headlining.removing unpleasant odors from them. Importantly, ozone does not mask harmful chemical compounds, but completely removes (oxidizes) them. However, the disadvantage of this method is the fact that (unlike chemical disinfection), immediately after the end of the fumigation process, the agent stops neutralizing pollutants, and they begin to accumulate again, so the process must be repeated every few months. ...

Step-by-step ozonation

To remove fungus with this method, you need a special device called an ozone generator or ozone fungus, which uses ultraviolet rays and high voltage from a car socket to produce active disinfectant oxygen. Vacuum the entire cabin thoroughly before ozonation to remove any dust and sand that has accumulated on sofas and windshield wipers.... Place the ozonizer near the air source and plug it into a power outlet. Start the car engine, turn on neutral and turn on the air conditioner by setting the recirculation function. Determine the operating time of the device depending on the size of the car, close all windows and doors tightly and get out of the car. Once the process is complete, the booth will be free of bacteria, fungi and mold, and you will have very little time. ventilation of the car interior... The duration of the entire ozonation process is 30-60 minutes.

Fungus using ultrasound

Ultrasonic disinfection is a relatively new and at the same time the most effective method of combating mold and mildew in ventilation. To carry it out, a special device is used that sprays a condensed chemical solution, turning it into a disinfectant mist. Produced in process ultrasound with a frequency of 1.7 Hz breaks up the sprayed liquid, due to which it cleans not only the air conditioning system, but also the entire car interior... This method gives the longest lasting results, as the disinfectant liquid settles on the disinfected surfaces, making it difficult for the parasites to reproduce. Thanks to him, even after a long break in using the air conditioner, you can get rid of stubborn dirt that is difficult to remove, improving its performance.

Ultrasonic fungus step by step

How to do it? Place the device in the cab and plug it into an electrical outlet. Start the car, turn on neutral and turn on the air conditioner, setting it to recirculation mode. Leave the car for the time specified in the operating instructions of the device., that is, about half an hour. At the end of the process, thoroughly ventilate the cabin. It is worth treating the fungus with ultrasound once a year.

Three methods of fumigation of the air conditioner - do it yourself!

Remember to change the cabin air filter every time!

After each ventilation disinfection, replace the cabin filter - this will enhance the fumigation effect and prevent the spread of contaminants accumulated on it. Clean air while driving will not only protect you from allergies and diseases of the upper respiratory tractbut will also greatly enhance your comfort and well-being.

To combat mold, mildew and unpleasant odors in the car, you need special tools and disinfectants – you can buy them in the online store In addition, you will find spare parts for car air conditioning and a wide range of cabin filters. We invite!

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