UAZ Patriot price of a new car 2016

UAZ Patriot price of a new car 2016

This material will not contain detailed descriptions of the updated UAZ Patriot, instead, we will consider separately the price of the new car in 2016.

Modifications affecting the price of UAZ Patriot

What is the fundamental price parameter for the new Patriot? Of course, like most cars, it's the engine.

UAZ Patriot price of a new car 2016

The cheapest models are cars with a gasoline engine, while configurations with a diesel power unit are found in the upper price range. Let us briefly recall that the new UAZ has only 2 engines:

  • gasoline, with a volume of 2,7 liters, 128 hp;
  • diesel, with a volume of 2,3 liters, 114 hp.

All cars are equipped with a 5-speed manual gearbox and all-wheel drive.

UAZ Patriot price of a new car 2016

Prices for the new UAZ Patriot with a gasoline engine

The minimum price threshold in car dealerships is a car with a petrol unit in the basic configuration starts from 689 rubles.

UAZ Patriot price of a new car 2016

The upper bound can be decent exceed the threshold of 1 million rubles, and how much depends on the configuration (arranged in order of increasing prices):

  • Classic;
  • Comfort;
  • Trophy;
  • Expedition;
  • Limited;
  • Unlimited.

Prices for the new UAZ Patriot with a diesel engine

UAZ Patriot with a diesel engine is quite rare on sale, perhaps because of its cost, which, perhaps, scares off many potential buyers. Namely, the cost of a new diesel Patriot starts from 1 rubles... The price makes you think about the advisability of buying this car.

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