The hijackers target Audi

The hijackers target Audi

The hijackers target Audi

Audi was 123% more likely to be stolen than the average car, followed by BMW (117%).

However, another German luxury brand, Mercedes-Benz, has risen in price by only 19% on average.

Suncorp's 2006 statistics do not include the actual number, type, or age of vehicles, but only the proportions stolen.

Below average vehicles were Volkswagen, Ford, Mitsubishi, Mazda, Kia, Peugeot, Daewoo, Nissan, and Daihatsu was the least likely to be stolen.

The study found that the more expensive the vehicle, the more likely it is to be stolen.

The most stolen were cars costing between $60,000 and $100,000, despite being better protected from theft.

Suncorp has also published information on the frequency of accidents, which debunks the theory that the better the car, the better the driver.

Driver fault claims in an accident were 10% more likely for cars valued between $60,000 and $100,000. Alfa drivers were 58% more likely to have fault claims than the average driver.

Suncorp's auto insurance general manager, Daniel Fogarty, said the results could suggest that drivers of prestige cars may feel safer in their cars, which could lead to overconfidence, leading to more accidents.

“On the other hand, drivers of new luxury cars may be a little more nervous on the roads than if they were driving a mid-range car, potentially leading to more accidents because the financial consequences of accidents are higher,” he said.

One of the most common types of claims made by Queensland drivers was a single vehicle accident.

Holden Special Vehicles drivers were 50% more likely to claim a single crash, followed by Audi (49%) and Chrysler (44%).

Least likely to make such a claim, Daihatsu drivers are 30% smaller than average.

Statistics also show that if you lend your new car to a friend or relative, there is a 12% chance they will scratch or damage it, but a 93% chance they will admit it.

Theft frequency

1. Audi 123%

2. BMW 117%

3. Jaguar 100%

4. Alfa Romeo 89%

5. Saab 74%

The frequency of accidents due to fault

1. Alfa Romeo 58%

2. Proton 19%

3. Mazda 13%

Frequency of accidents through no fault

1. Audi 102%

2. Alfa Romeo 94%

3. Proton 75%

Frequency of accidents involving one vehicle

1. VPG 50%

2. Audi 49%

3. Chrysler 44%

Source: 2006 Suncorp claims statistics.

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