Installing the battery - an important sequence
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Installing the battery - an important sequence

Installing the battery - an important sequence When removing or installing the battery on a vehicle, the sequence of disconnecting and connecting the poles must be observed. It is also important to secure the battery.

Installing the battery - an important sequenceIf you want to remove the battery from the car, first disconnect the negative pole (negative terminal) from the so-called vehicle ground, and then the positive pole (positive terminal). When assembling, do the opposite. This recommended sequence is due to the fact that in the electrical system of a car, the body, or body, acts as a return conductor for most electrical circuits. If you disconnect the negative terminal first when removing the battery, accidentally touching the case key will not cause the battery to short-circuit when the positive terminal is removed, which may even cause it to explode.

The battery in the vehicle must be firmly fixed without the possibility of slipping. Otherwise, the shocks transmitted by the wheels from road irregularities may cause the active mass to fall out of the connecting plates. As a result, the capacity of the battery drops, and in extreme cases this leads to an internal short circuit.

There are usually two types of battery mounts. One on top with a clip, the other on the bottom, holding the bottom edge of the case. The latter method requires more than careful positioning of the battery on the mounting base. You should also properly position the fitting, which, by means of a threaded connection, presses against the edge of the body, preventing any movement of the entire assembly. The top clamp is much easier to manage the battery mount. The position of the battery on the base no longer needs to be as accurate, unless the top clamp needs to be placed in a certain position. Regardless of the method of fastening, the nuts of the threaded connections must be tightened with the appropriate torque. Sometimes a rubber gasket is used under the battery to better dampen vibrations.

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