Learn How to Clean Car Seats with Just Two Ingredients

Learn How to Clean Car Seats with Just Two Ingredients

Discover two ingredients that can clean car seats and remove even the most stubborn stains easily and economically.

Having a clean car is important and pleasing to the eye, but not only does it have to look amazing on the outside, it must also look amazing on the inside, which is why we are going to share some tips with you to learn how to clean your seats with just two ingredients.

Yes, just two ingredients and your car finish will be like new. 

And the fact is that sometimes, even if we take good care of our car, it gets dirty, but don't worry because you can only clean them with baking soda and white vinegar.

Easy and economical cleaning

Thus, in a simple and economical way, you will be able to deep clean the seats of your car. This home remedy, besides being simple, is not dangerous, and will not damage your vehicle's material.

You can also remove mold and all kinds of stains that are on the seats, whether they are cloth or leather. 

Take care of the image of your car

A dirty car inside and out creates a bad image, as it speaks volumes about how the driver behaves.

To clean your car, there are two very effective ingredients: baking soda and vinegar, very effective against bacteria and stubborn stains.

In addition, baking soda has antiseptic properties and is very effective in removing bad odors.

Fabric seats

Now we will tell you step by step what you need to do to clean your car's fabric seats.

1 - Vacuum your car seats to remove dust and other particles that

2 - Mix ¼ cup of baking soda in a glass of warm water.

3 - Dampen a fine bristle brush in the previous solution with a small amount of solution and start carving out the seats, rubbing the stains harder.

4 - If stains are not removed, let the solution stand for another 30 minutes and repeat the above procedure.

5 - Mix a cup of vinegar with a little dishwashing liquid.

6 - Mix the previous solution with a gallon of hot water.

7 - Using a brush with fine bristles, wash the seats, rub some of the stains a little harder.

8- Use a damp cloth with clean water to remove the remnants of the previous solution.

9 - Wait for the seats to dry and you will see that they will look amazing. If any stain has not been removed, repeat the process from step 7.

leather seats

1 - Remove dust and accumulated dirt from the seats with a damp cloth.

2 - Mix ¼ cup of baking soda with a cup of warm water in a container.

3 - Using a leather upholstery brush, gently apply a small amount of the solution to the seats.

4 - Use a semi-moist cloth to remove any remaining grout while cleaning the surface.

5 - Mix a cup of vinegar with a gallon of warm water in a container.

6 - Soak a clean cloth in the solution and run it over the seats.

7 - Use another cloth or dry cloth to remove excess moisture remaining on the seats.

8 - Let it dry and you will see how clean your car seats will become.

9. Repeat this procedure regularly to keep your car's leather seats in optimum condition.

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