What is the difference between a timing chain and a timing belt?
Engine unit

What is the difference between a timing chain and a timing belt?

Very few people can tell if their car has a chain or timing belt... That is why in this article we are going to explain all about the difference between a chain and a belt and detail the strengths and weaknesses of each solution.

🚗 How do I know if my car has a timing chain or belt?

What is the difference between a timing chain and a timing belt?

It is not very difficult to find out if your car has a timing chain or belt. Here are a few steps to follow to keep your doubts in check!

Step 1. Check the production date of your vehicle

What is the difference between a timing chain and a timing belt?

The age of your car is an indicator of whether it has a chain or belt. If your car was made before the late 1990s, it is highly likely that it has a timing chain.

Step 2: Conduct a visual inspection

What is the difference between a timing chain and a timing belt?

You can tell if your vehicle is equipped with a timing chain or timing belt simply visually:

  • The timing belt is flexible, rubber and black.
  • The timing chain is made of metal, looks like a bicycle chain with links.

🔧 Why choose a distribution chain?

What is the difference between a timing chain and a timing belt?

This is less common today, but the distribution chain is returning more and more to the automotive market due to its many strengths. But beware, it also has its minor flaws.

👍 What are the benefits of a distribution chain?

Main advantages distribution chain are:

  • Unprecedented reliability, because the metal is very resistant to high and low temperatures.
  • Almost infinite lifespan! It usually lasts the same as your car.

👎 What are the disadvantages of a distribution chain?

The main disadvantages of the distribution chain are:

  • It is heavier than the belt and therefore requires more effort from the engine to drive the chain, resulting in higher fuel consumption.
  • It also makes a lot more noise than a rubber timing belt.

⚙️ Why choose a timing belt?

What is the difference between a timing chain and a timing belt?

The timing belt also has its advantages and disadvantages, but it is much more common on the market than the timing chain.

👍 What are the advantages of a timing belt?

The main advantages of the timing belt are:

  • Lightweight because it is made of rubber, the belt requires less effort from the engine. As a result, fuel consumption is reduced and you do not waste engine power.
  • Less inertia, which allows him to recover better.
  • Quiet due to its flexibility, the belt makes very little noise.

👎What are the disadvantages of a timing belt?

The main disadvantages of the timing belt are:

  • His service life : it needs to be changed every 100-000 km depending on your engine type. A ruptured one can seriously damage your engine. So if your car is getting close to 150 km, don't risk it and find the nearest Trusted Garage to us!

What is the difference between a timing chain and a timing belt?

Regardless of whether your engine is equipped with a timing chain or timing belt, its proper functioning also depends on its maintenance. When buying a used car, feel free to ask about its type of distribution and when it was last changed. Why ? Because in case of replacement it can cost you up to $ 1.

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