What is the difference between a citation and a traffic ticket in the US?

What is the difference between a citation and a traffic ticket in the US?

A reprimand and a traffic ticket in the United States mean the same thing and affect you in the same way. If you violate traffic rules, a police officer will stop you and may mention any of these two terms

The police in the United States may stop you while driving, usually to ticket you for a traffic violation or for safety reasons. However, you should pay attention to the language in which they address you, because even if it seems the same, it can be different things.

Some may say that you are being issued a ticket for speeding, while others call it a fine. 

What is the difference between a quotation and a road ticket?

Although they sound completely different, a traffic ticket and a fine are the same thing.

The term citation is correct legal jargon, while road ticket is more informal. However, both terms refer to a written document issued by the police that describes the traffic violations you have broken and what you may need to do to correct the situation. Automatic fines help prevent the majority of drivers from breaking traffic rules. However, not all road tickets are the same.

Types of road tickets.

1.- Violation without movement

Drivers usually receive tickets for two main reasons for violations. These are fixed and moving violations. A parking ticket is the most common reason for immobility violations. The police will issue you a ticket if you park your car in a restricted or unauthorized area, such as a one-way street.

2.- Moving violation

Traffic offenses are much more diverse, an example is ignoring traffic lights and traffic signals. As a result of a traffic violation, the police can fine you for something like running a red light.

The severity of the consequences varies depending on local and state laws, and ignoring road signs puts other motorists and pedestrians at risk. Therefore, the punishment included in a fine or penalty is likely to be quite severe.

On the other hand, you can also get a speeding ticket, and as the name suggests, these tickets are for driving a car in excess of speed. The severity of the violation usually depends on the difference between the speed limit and your cruising speed.

Finally, one of the most serious traffic violations is driving under the influence of alcohol or other intoxication. If you have received a drunk driving ticket, you may have to pay a large fine. In addition, your license may be suspended and you may end up in jail.


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