Virtual breathalyzer - is the blood alcohol calculator reliable?
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Virtual breathalyzer - is the blood alcohol calculator reliable?

An online virtual breathalyzer is a great option for those who want to test how much alcohol they could potentially have in their bloodstream. If you're after a party and need somewhere quick but don't have a standard test handy, this can really help! After all, even if it seems to you that you feel great, it may turn out that your body has not yet fully coped with this substance. Your faulty judgment can make you dangerous on the road. Find out how effective the virtual breathalyzer is and see if you can trust its measurements.

Alcohol is a depressant - be careful!

Usually in the first moment after drinking alcohol you feel relaxed and happy. Don't let this fool you. This is just a defensive reaction of your body, which is trying to fight this stimulant. Soon after, you will feel sleepy and slow down. This is the main reason why you should never drive after drinking alcohol. At first you will think that everything is in order. However, you can quickly fall asleep while driving. And this is a recipe for real tragedy. Therefore, never underestimate even a small amount of alcohol consumed. A virtual breathalyzer will help you measure it.

Find out how blood alcohol concentration affects your body

Of course, alcohol is not the same as alcohol, and depending on how much you drink, you can expect different side effects. Its concentration in the blood is expressed in ppm:

  • 0,2-0,5‰ - you will feel a slight relaxation. There may be problems with maintaining balance, visual impairment, poor coordination, naivety;
  • 0,5-0,7‰ - you will notice a general deterioration in mobility, excessive talkativeness will appear, you will have learning problems;
  • 0,7-2‰ - the pain threshold will increase, you will become aggressive, a feeling of sexual arousal is possible, blood pressure will increase;
  • 2-3‰ - You begin to mutter instead of speaking fluently. Drowsiness will appear, you may lose touch with reality;
  • 3-4‰ - blood pressure will drop, physiological reflexes will disappear, it can lead to a coma of the body;
  • above 4‰ - there is a threat to life.

A safe alcohol concentration of up to 0,5‰ is usually declared, but this does not mean that you can drive a car in this state. Even this condition can lead to an accident! It is very important to know exactly how much alcohol is in your body. A virtual breathalyzer is one of the measurement methods. What is it about?

How much can I drink? Virtual breathalyzer and BAC calculator

Never plan to drive a car immediately after drinking alcohol. What to do when you have a family celebration and you know that, for example, the next day in the evening you will have to drive? It's worth checking how much you can potentially drink. So find one of the free online alcohol calculators. Such online breathalyzers are publicly available and usually do not require additional registration. Remember, however, that they only give you an estimate of the amount of alcohol you can consume. Always try to consume less than what your breathalyzer says. For sobriety tests, you can also purchase disposable breathalyzers to make the measurements more reliable.

Virtual online breathalyzer - see what it is!

A virtual breathalyzer is a program where you enter your height, gender, or the amount of alcohol you drink. Knowing the data, he calculates the concentration of alcohol in the blood based on them. It will also determine how long you stay sober and completely sober. This way you will know when you can get behind the wheel again. This will ensure the safety of both you and other road users. This is the fastest and easiest way to find out when you can drive again, but it's not exactly reliable.

Online breathalyzer - reliable or not? Virtual breathalyzer and reality

Although the calculations of the virtual breathalyzer are themselves very accurate, the result is not entirely reliable. What is it from? Many factors affect your health, such as how long you drank alcohol or what you ate before you drank alcohol. For this reason, never treat such calculators as the only oracle. It's just a program that may not give you real results!

You are drunk? Don't drive!

A virtual breathalyzer does not give XNUMX% certainty, so it is better to give up driving when you are going to a party. For safety reasons, provide yourself with transportation. You can call a taxi or someone close to you. Sometimes it's better to just not drive at all costs. Don't risk your life and others.

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