military toys

military toys

The technology we most often hear about during modern armed conflicts, such as the recent operation in Libya, are the F-16, F-15 multi-role fighters or vehicles of a similar class, AWACS reconnaissance aircraft and others with similar tasks, and cruise missiles - Tomahawk or unmanned UAVs, such as the Predator ...

It is difficult to describe all the "toys" that are at the disposal of the armies of the world. Material on this subject would not have fit into the "Young Technician". We have already mentioned tanks when speaking about the modern theater of operations. We have written about aircraft and drones in previous issues. However, from aircraft, let's stop for a moment at helicopters, which are not always appreciated.

You will find the continuation of the article in the November issue of the magazine

See also attached videos:

Shot detection and/or enemy fire detection system

Laser Weapon System (LaWS)

MOP Massive Ordnance Penetrator GBU-57A-B Penetrator Bunker Buster Bomb Iran USA

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