Everything you need to know about electric vehicle maintenance

Everything you need to know about electric vehicle maintenance

While electric vehicles tend to have a much higher initial purchase cost than their gasoline counterparts, their long-term costs, such as maintenance and recharging electricity, tend to be much cheaper, according to My EV.

It's a well-known fact, or at least that's what writers like New Motion and My EV claim, who announced that AEs in addition to hybrids have a much cheaper and more reliable infrastructure, but are special in their methodology, so we decided to explain to you how those facets of AE maintenance differ from those on gasoline so you can choose with much more information which of the two to choose when buying your own car.

We'll start by giving you an idea of ​​how often you should check your vehicle, using My EV with the Chevrolet Bolt EV as an example: Tire pressure should be checked once a month; every 7,500 miles, the mechanic should check the battery, interior heater, power accessories and chargers, as well as fluids, brakes, and vehicle body components (such as door locks); It is advisable to clean your vehicle every two years to prevent elements such as the salt found on some roads from entering your vehicle's interior; and finally, every 7 years you should do a full due diligence on your car because a good part of your car parts can have a shelf life of 12 years, so a little over half of them is a good time to check. that everything is working fine.

It is important to note that when servicing an electric vehicle, you will have less fluid. than a conventional vehicle, because in this type of mechanism, the fluids are sealed in the internal infrastructure.

One of the items you should be most aware of in AE are the brake pads, which although they have a regeneration system that helps avoid wasted energy, it's important that every time you take your car to a mechanic you make sure the part is works properly. In addition, this particular system works in electric vehicles in the same way as it does in hybrid vehicles.

Finally, the The most important element of any Expert Advisor is its which when used with much more power and frequency tends to wear out faster, so we recommend adding this item to the items you should check when visiting a mechanic.


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