All available ways to search for VIN by car number
Auto repair

All available ways to search for VIN by car number

Without checking the unique code, you cannot buy a car, because unscrupulous sellers do not tell everything about the history of the vehicle.

Each car is assigned a unique VIN-code, consisting of 17 letters and numbers, even during manufacture. It is applied to non-removable parts of the machine (body, chassis). Sometimes it is knocked out on a plate attached in an inconspicuous place.

For reliable copy protection, the same code is applied to several parts of the body and even duplicated in the cabin. You need to know this number before buying a car in order to check and study its history. But owners don't list the VIN on ads and often don't want to give it to potential buyers before a deal is made. In this case, using various services, you can find out the VIN of the car by the car number. Its decryption will contain the following information:

  • car assembly place;
  • the country that produces this model;
  • manufacturer's data;
  • body type;
  • model equipment;
  • engine parameters;
  • model year;
  • factory;
  • the movement of the machine along the conveyor.
All available ways to search for VIN by car number

Deciphering the VIN-code of the car

It is necessary to find out the VIN by the car number before making a transaction and even before meeting with the seller. It's not hard to decipher. With its help, the number of re-registrations of the vehicle, the features of these transactions, the facts of participation in an accident and repair in official service stations, meter readings, and methods of operating the car (taxi, leasing, carsharing) are determined.

Resellers often hide information and sell cars after an accident, repaired improperly. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully study all possible information about the vehicle.

Ways to search for VIN by license plate number of the car

If the state number is known, then it is easy to find out the VIN indicated in the TCP (vehicle passport). There are several sites on the Internet that offer to find out the VIN by the license plate number of the car online for free. It is enough to enter letters and numbers in the field, and the system will display what you are looking for on the screen. There are several services that help determine the VIN code by car number, but they all take information from the traffic police databases.

Without checking the unique code, you cannot buy a car, because unscrupulous sellers do not tell everything about the history of the vehicle.

All available ways to search for VIN by car number

Vehicle registration certificate

Another important document that you need to familiarize yourself with is the vehicle registration certificate (CTC). It must contain the same code that is applied to the body and determined using special services.

In the traffic police department

It is convenient to find out the VIN of the car by number in the traffic police department. It is enough just to submit a formal request. On its basis, employees will transfer information about the car to a potential buyer of the vehicle. But through the traffic police it will not be possible to get acquainted with the driver's data. This is only possible if there has been an accident involving the vehicle and the person submitting the claim. In this case, they will provide case materials, including disclosure of the owner's data.

On the official website of the traffic police

It is convenient to find the VIN of a car by the state number online on the official website of the traffic police. To do this, you must submit an application and wait for a response to it.

All available ways to search for VIN by car number

Checking a car on the traffic police website

All other services that offer to find out the VIN of a car by license plate number for free take information from this source.

Portal "Gosuslugi"

Gosuslugi is a convenient portal that provides many services to Russian citizens in real time. But with its help, it is still impossible to find out the VIN by the license plate number of a used car. But you can remove the car from the register or apply for registration and get a 30% discount on the provision of this service.

Through the service "Autocode"

Autocode is a convenient service with which people are accustomed to finding out information about a vehicle. To do this, just follow these steps:

  1. Go to the site.
  2. Enter the registration number of the car.
  3. Get a brief overview.
  4. Pay a small fee.
  5. Get a detailed report on the car.
All available ways to search for VIN by car number

Checking a car through the Autocode service

The requested information will be sent to the applicant's e-mail and made available to him online. Having studied this data, the potential owner will learn everything about the vehicle and will be able to make an informed and considered decision on its acquisition.

On the website

Finding the right car to buy can be very difficult. The future owner needs not only to make sure that it is in a satisfactory condition, but also to check for restrictions. It is important that the car was not pledged, stolen or under arrest, it actually belonged to the seller. In this case, the buyer will be sure that the bailiffs will not take the car for the debts of the previous owner.

On the site

It is convenient to look at the VIN on the website It is enough to enter the number and wait until the service finds the code. This takes no more than 60 seconds. In addition, buyers will learn other parameters of the car:

  • accident history;
  • the presence of court orders and restrictions on the vehicle;
  • mileage at the last technical inspection;
  • availability of insurance (OSAGO policy) and information about the auto insurer;
  • data on completed maintenance, broken and replaced spare parts (even candles and other small parts).

The decoding of the VIN code will contain data on the parameters of the vehicle (box, engine, body, paint color, equipment), manufacturer.

All available ways to search for VIN by car number

Check the car by number through the site "Auto Library"

In addition to the listed services, in 2020 you can check the car through the Avinfo, Avtoteka, Drome, RSA (Russian Union of Motorists) databases.

What information, in addition to the VIN, can be found by the license plate of a car

The license plate will help you find out a lot of useful information about the vehicle. It is enough to use special services.

Participation in an accident

The databases contain only information about the participation of the car in an accident after 2015. But sometimes, when selling, the owners hide the history of accidents, including those that were not formalized. In this case, it is necessary to check the machine with a special device to find painted elements.

History of registration in the traffic police

It is important to study the registration history of the car. If the owners changed often, then it is worth thinking about the reasons for this. It is possible that the car is defective or resold by resellers.

Presence of restrictions

With the help of Internet services, potential buyers check the car for restrictions. This is an important procedure, because the seller transfers to the new owner all the problems associated with registering and using the car. In some cases, after buying such a car, bailiffs may confiscate it.

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It is convenient to seek help from professionals. They will inspect, measure the thickness of the paint, study the operation of all machine systems and check it through various services. Despite the completeness of the information contained in open databases, many unscrupulous sellers still manage to hide vehicle problems from the buyer. They are identified during a professional inspection, while the fault for the purchase of a defective vehicle will lie with the specialist in the selection of vehicles.

To protect your future car from confiscation and to make sure of its quality, you must pass all possible checks. With their help, people learn the whole history of the car.

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