Misconception: "A diesel car is more efficient than a gasoline car."

Misconception: "A diesel car is more efficient than a gasoline car."

Since the performance of a diesel car and a gasoline car is different, the performance that can be expected from the two engines is also not the same. But what exactly does "productivity" mean? It is known that with an equal working volume and identical characteristics, a diesel car has certain advantages over a gasoline one.

Is it true: "A diesel car is more efficient than a gasoline car"?

Misconception: "A diesel car is more efficient than a gasoline car."


A gasoline engine and a diesel engine do not work in the same way. The composition of the fuels is not the same, although both are derived from petroleum. V jogging is not done in the same way, because diesel does not require ignition and can spontaneously ignite thanks to a single compression of air.

This explains the difference in performance between diesel and gasoline engines at the same displacement. But what is called performance actually depends on several criteria:

  • Le output motor;
  • Le couple motor;
  • La мощность engine.

Engine efficiency is related to fuel consumption. It is the ratio between the energy supplied to the motor and the mechanical energy returned. The increased efficiency of the motor further limits energy losses.

On a diesel engine, the compression ratio is two to three times higher... This allows it to have better performance while still using less fuel. The diesel engine compresses less air.

The torque and power of the engine depend on the characteristics of the engine, including the mode of its combustion. Successful combustion increases engine torque, giving the diesel an edge over gasoline. Engine power is generated by the rapid rotation of the engine and is used primarily by gasoline.

Diesel contains more energy than gasoline, so it emits less CO2 per liter. In general, diesel pickups are better. However, it is also less flexible and noisier. In cold weather, a diesel car also reboots worse, even with glow plugs.

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