Misconception: "The use of an electric vehicle is for the city only."

Misconception: "The use of an electric vehicle is for the city only."

This is a common misconception about an electric car: it is believed that it is primarily intended for use in the city. Many people still believe that the difficult charging and low range of an electric car make it a poor vehicle for long trips or family vacations. But in recent years, the electric car has continued to evolve.

True or False: "The electric car is only for the city"?

Misconception: "The use of an electric vehicle is for the city only."


If we sometimes assume that an electric car is intended for use in the city, then this is for two reasons:

  • Le lack of autonomy electric vehicle;
  • Le lack of charging stations.

But today, the autonomy of electric vehicles has evolved. Until a few years ago, only a few exceptions offered a range of more than 150 kilometers under normal driving conditions.

Now this is no longer the case: in the middle segment, electric vehicles offer over 300 km autonomy. High-end electric vehicles even show over 500 km assortment, as well as cars of the latest generation.

When it comes to charging, the situation has also improved since the introduction of the electric car. Previously, the first electric vehicles had to be charged overnight. New devices now allow fast or accelerated charging, including charging stations fast occurs on highways or major highways.

Did you know? Fast charging stations allow you to charge your electric vehicle in about thirty minutes only.

These fast charging points can be found soon. every 100 kilometers of motorway in France. To this should be added all the charging stations that have increased everywhere: in supermarket parking lots, in the city, at gas stations, etc. The technology of recharging your electric vehicle at home has also evolved, in particular with the help of special outlets (Wallbox, etc. .).

In July 2021, 43 public charging points were opened in France, not to mention private terminals (individuals, condominiums, businesses, etc.), up from 32 in December 700. And it's not over yet!

In the city electric car has the advantage of reducing noise and pollution levels and making driving more comfortable in traffic jams. But it, of course, cannot be reduced to purely urban use. Thanks to the constant use of charging stations and a significant increase in the range, the electric vehicle is also suitable for long journeys.

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