Misconception: "During technical control, all failures entail further observation"

Misconception: "During technical control, all failures entail further observation"

A technical inspection must be carried out every 2 years from the fourth anniversary of the vehicle being put into service. It includes 133 checkpoints. In the event of a failure at one of these points, three severity levels are set: minor, major, and critical. Not all of them trigger a mandatory return visit.

True or False: "All technical control failures lead to follow-up actions"?

Misconception: "During technical control, all failures entail further observation"


Le technical control - a mandatory step for all motorists. After all, it is held for the first time in the six months preceding the fourth anniversary of the commissioning of your car, then every two years.

During technical control, many control points are checked. At number 133, they are associated with many of your vehicle's functions: identification, braking, steering, chassis, etc.

There are three severity levels for each checkpoint:

  • Minor failure ;
  • Major failure ;
  • Critical failure.

While a minor malfunction is considered to have no environmental or road safety impact, a major malfunction poses a hazard to various road users or has a negative impact on the environment.

Finally, a critical failure is considered to be immediate danger for the environment or the safety of road users.

All these failures do not lead to what is called return visitbut only serious and critical failures. If one of these faults is found, it is your responsibility to fix the problem and then undergo a technical checkup, which consists of presenting you at a technical control center to re-examine the faults.

But in the event of a minor malfunction, your technical inspection is confirmed! Unless you have major or critical failures, you do not have no need to re-visit... A minor failure will be recorded in your inspection log. Sure, it's better to have it repaired from time to time, but that won't stop you from getting a usability sticker.

So you finally know the truth about failure technical control ! If a major or critical failure requires you to visit again, then a minor failure does not. You will have two months for a return visit on pain of a fine.

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