Why do some drivers add sunflower oil to a car engine
Useful tips for motorists

Why do some drivers add sunflower oil to a car engine

Anything can happen on the road - from a banal puncture of a wheel to more serious problems. For example, suddenly oil in the engine began to leave. In a good way, it can be topped up to the desired level, and move towards the nearest service station. But what to do if there is no spare eggplant of oil, and only “Products” from the shops on the way? Do not pour sunflower! Or pour?

Sunflower oil for topping up the engine: most motorists, having heard this, will twist at the temple and express condolences in advance on the occasion of the sudden death of the motor to the car owner who expressed a desire to try to do something similar with his iron horse. However, not everything is as simple as it might seem.

The metal surfaces of the engine during operation can be heated up to 300 degrees. And along with antifreeze, one of the functions of engine oil is to cool the working units of the power unit. Depending on the type of engine and its mode of operation, the temperature of the lubricant itself can vary from 90 to 130 degrees Celsius. And so that the oil does not burn out quickly, it contains a lot of additives that help, moreover, to preserve its other important properties for a long time: lubrication of rubbing parts, increased engine compression and corrosion protection.

Why do some drivers add sunflower oil to a car engine

Now let's remember what happens to sunflower oil in a very hot pan. If we compare the state of the same oil in a heated state and in a bottle, it is not difficult to notice that it is clearly thinner in a pan. If you continue to heat it, then later it will become watery, it will begin to darken and smoke.

Actually, in the rapid loss of viscosity of oil from seeds, its lubricity and rapid burnout, there is a danger to the engine. However, the worst case scenario will come only when the lubricant is completely drained from the engine and sunflower oil is poured into it. Moreover, if the engine has already lived, then death will come faster. The new motor will last a little longer, but subsequently it will also die anyway.

Why do some drivers add sunflower oil to a car engine

But it is possible to add a little vegetable oil to the engine for lack of the right one. It's just important to clarify whether this trick is possible with your car. The thing is that back in 2013 in Japan, a huge number of cars used oils with a viscosity of less than 0W-20. Such oils have low resistance - it is easier for the engine to turn the crankshaft and push the pistons through the cylinders. In turn, this has a positive effect on economy. However, if the car engine is not adapted to work with such oils, then you should not even try - it will quickly leave even through microcracks in the system.

In general, in any case, we do not recommend experimenting on your cars and filling the engine with vegetable oil. And if you really want to see what will happen at the end when using it, then the network is full of videos on this topic. The best option seems to be to spend your time, hitchhike and get to the nearest auto parts store. Compared to spending on buying a new engine, the cost of this option is a penny.

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