Is it legal to drive without pants?
Test Drive

Is it legal to drive without pants?

Is it legal to drive without pants?

Yes, driving in public places where people can see you while naked from the waist down is illegal due to the risk of obscene exposure. If you're wearing underwear or a swimsuit, you'll probably get away with it, but you may be asking yourself why it's important to leave the house without pants at all.

While our study of road safety laws across Australia did not reveal any specific red flags for driving without pants, we found that public nudity laws exist in every state and territory in Australia. Driving without pants isn't really a safety issue - like driving without a horn or driving with one headlight off - so it's not something you can find on the traffic authority's website, but it's definitely covered in other parts of the law. In particular, those parts that relate to decency. 

The wording and penalties associated with indecent exposure laws vary between states and territories in Australia, but according to FindLaw Australia, indecent exposure is illegal in all states and territories.

Having said that, it's also important to note that it takes intent to be convicted of indecent exposure; As Armstrong Legal advises, if you can prove that you were naked out of necessity or coercion, and not with the primary intention of showing yourself to others in public, then you are innocent in the eyes of the law. 

While we couldn't find any clear information on how driving without pants can affect your insurance, it's likely that getting into your pants with your pants down or off, or not in sight, can make it harder to call roadside assistance or make a decision. Problems. police in an encounter that is embarrassing at the very least and highly suspicious at worst.

Unless you're a Calvin Klein model showing off last season's panties, maybe just do yourself and everyone else a favor and put on some jeans before you run out the door. 

This article is not intended as legal advice. You should check with your local road authorities to make sure the information written here is appropriate for your situation before driving this way.

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