Is it legal to drive without a shirt?
Test Drive

Is it legal to drive without a shirt?

Is it legal to drive without a shirt?

No road safety laws forbid you from driving shirtless, but you don't want to free your nipple if you have breasts.

Well, the answer is yes and no, as it all comes down to whether indecent nudity laws consider your shirtless body to be sexy - and therefore potentially indecent - or not. 

No road safety laws forbid you from driving without a shirt, but you may not want to risk freeing your nipple if you have breasts like topless in plain sight of others (perhaps through an untinted window or windshield), you may stop for indecent exposure. That's not to say men shouldn't cover up too - we don't have statistics on how many abs lead to crashes, but we always advise being a careful and responsible driver - but overall, shirtless driving is a much more risky proposition. for ladies. 

Laws on indecent exposure vary slightly across states and territories in Australia, but according to FindLaw Australia, indecent exposure is illegal in all jurisdictions. 

Having said that, these are laws that are subject to change in application as some interpretation of what is considered proper and indecent in society at the time of conviction is required; therefore, as attitudes towards topless women change, the application of this law may vary. However, one particular aspect of indecent exposure laws to note is that intent must be proven in order for a conviction to be obtained. According to Armstrong Legal, if you can prove that you exposed your identity for a reason other than the intention to expose yourself in an obscene manner, such as out of necessity or coercion, the law will not try to punish you. 

We couldn't find any clear information on how shirtless driving can affect your insurance, but while you should always refer to your insurance contract for the most accurate information, we recommend that shirtless driving doesn't get you too a lot of trouble. trouble. But whether six-pack distracts you, your beer bellies are offensive, or your curves bother you, we'd recommend, for all of you, consider putting on a shirt before you hit the road. 

This article is not intended as legal advice. You should check with your local road authorities to make sure the information written here is appropriate for your situation before driving this way.

Have you ever gotten into trouble for driving without a shirt on? Tell us in the comments below. 

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