Child seat safety laws in Georgia
Auto repair

Child seat safety laws in Georgia

Georgia has seat belt and child restraint laws for your safety and protection. These laws are based on common sense and reasonable adults comply with seat belt laws and also understand that they have an obligation to care for young passengers who cannot be expected to obey the laws on their own. Accordingly, child seat safety laws are in place to protect young passengers.

Summary of Georgia Child Seat Safety Laws

In Georgia, child seat safety laws can be summarized as follows:

  • Anyone carrying a person under the age of eight in any personal vehicle must buckle that child in a way that is appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

  • Children weighing at least 40 pounds should only be secured with a lap belt if there are no shoulder belts.

  • Other children must be strapped into the back seat, unless there are no rear seats. In such cases, the child can be fastened in the front seat.

  • Children do not need to be restrained if the doctor provides a written statement that such restriction could harm the child.

  • Children over 47 inches tall may be strapped in the back seat if there is no room in the back seat due to being occupied by shorter younger children.


If you violate motor vehicle laws in Georgia regarding child restraints, you may be fined $50 and you may also be awarded demerit points according to your driver's license. Laws are there to protect you and your children, so common sense dictates that you should obey them. Avoid the fine and protect your children.

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