Windshield laws in Kansas
Auto repair

Windshield laws in Kansas

If you are a licensed driver, you already know that there are many rules that you must follow when driving on the roads of Kansas. However, motorists also need to make sure their vehicles also meet statewide windshield requirements. Below are the windshield laws in Kansas.

windshield requirements

  • All vehicles on Kansas roads must have a windshield.

  • All vehicles must have driver-controlled windshield wipers to clear the windshield of rain, snow, sleet and other moisture.

  • All windshields and windows of motor vehicles used on the road must have safety glass that is designed to reduce the chance of glass breaking or shattering in the event of an impact or an accident.


  • Posters, signs and other opaque materials are not allowed on the front windshield or any other windows that significantly impair or prevent the driver from seeing the roadway and crossing roadways clearly.

  • Federal regulations allow decals required by law to be applied to the lower corners or sides of the windshield, provided they do not protrude more than 4.5 inches from the bottom of the windshield.

Window tinting

Window tinting laws in Kansas are as follows:

  • Non-reflective tinting of the upper part of the windshield above the AS-1 line provided by the manufacturer is allowed.

  • All other windows can be tinted if more than 35% of the available light passes through them.

  • Mirror and metallic shades that reflect light are not allowed on any window.

  • Using a red tint on any windows and windshields is illegal.

Cracks and chips

Kansas law does not specify the size of cracks or chips that are allowed. However, the statute states that:

  • It is illegal to drive if damage to the front windshield or windows significantly obstructs the driver's view of the road and intersecting roads.

  • The ticket sales officer has the discretion to determine whether cracks or chips in the windshield present an obstruction to the driver.

In addition, federal regulations also include the following:

  • Cracks that do not intersect with another crack are allowed provided they do not interfere with the driver's view.

  • Chips less than ¾ inch in diameter and no closer than three inches to any other area of ​​damage are allowed.


Failure to comply with Kansas windshield laws can result in a minimum $45 fine for the first violation. A second violation within two years will result in a 1.5 times fine, and a third violation within two years will result in a double fine.

If you need to inspect your windshield or your wipers aren't working properly, a certified technician like one of AvtoTachki can help you get back on the road safely and quickly so you're driving within the law.

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