Charge your electric car in 5 minutes
Electric cars

Charge your electric car in 5 minutes

While charging the batteries of an electric vehicle usually takes several hours, now a few minutes may be enough. Indeed, the Japanese explorer Mr Kanno de-la-Compagnie KK Energy Technology Research just filed patent for a fast charger that fully charges the electric vehicle in 5 minutes.

Reduced reload time

The charging time of electric vehicles often slows down their development because it prevents long trips. Fully charging an electric vehicle can take several hours. Thus, this last problem may soon disappear thanks to Mr. Kanno's invention. Because 5 minutes is a time comparable to the time it takes to fill up gasoline in a classic car.

Complete nutrition in 5 minutes

With over twenty years of experience in battery development, the long charging time is simply due to insufficient energy circulating in the cables of existing charging stations, he said. Based on this observation, Mr. Kanno has created a system for storing electrical energy and transmitting it in record time. After a while, electric cars will only need a few minutes to refuel. An invention that looks very promising and could finally gain traction in the industry.


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