Do-it-yourself car protection from corrosion
Machine operation

Do-it-yourself car protection from corrosion

Corrosion causes a lot of trouble for car owners. A small scratch that is not noticed in time can cause rust. Not a single car is protected from corrosion - neither our VAZs, nor German Mercedes and Audi. Therefore, the driver must regularly check the condition of the body of his “iron horse” and take action if signs of corrosion appear.

First of all, you need to figure out how rust appears. Main reasons:

  • negative impact of the environment and air;
  • exposure to water and all chemicals dissolved in it, especially in the autumn-winter period;
  • mechanical damage - there is no way to avoid them, because the car is constantly affected by vibrations that destroy anti-corrosion coatings.

Metal is known to oxidize in air, even if you just put a metal product in a room, then over time it will become covered with a rust crust that corrodes its structure. To avoid such an impact, the car body and the bottom are covered with various protective coatings - paint and varnish, anti-corrosion agents, and galvanized.

Do-it-yourself car protection from corrosion

The effect of moisture is also negatively manifested. In our climatic conditions, almost half a year is snow, slush and rain.

In cities, various chemicals are used to combat ice and glaciation, which destroy the paintwork and thereby open access to the metal elements of the body.

Well, constant vibrations and friction of body elements against each other lead to early damage and cracking.

From this we can draw one conclusion - to combat corrosion, maximum protection of the metal of the body from the effects of external factors is necessary. How can this be done?

The first line of defense is provided at the factory, where the metal elements of the body are primed, painted and varnished, taking into account all the requirements of GOST. The more expensive the car, the better it is protected from corrosion.

Recently, galvanization has been recognized as a very effective method - the metal is coated with a thin layer of zinc. However, microcracks appear over time, the welds are especially affected - under the influence of high temperatures, galvanization melts and collapses.

Further protection against corrosion is entirely up to the owner of the vehicle. What methods of protection do experts recommend?

  1. First, you need to try to provide your car with a garage, underground parking. If this is not possible, then you can use covers made of waterproof materials. Those cars that are left in open-air parking lots for a long time can literally rust in one winter. It is recommended to install props between the body and the canopy to maintain constant air circulation.
  2. Secondly, with the approach of the autumn-winter season, you need to prepare the car body for winter. To do this, you can use the method of lamination or polishing. Lamination is pasting the external surfaces with a transparent film that is completely invisible, easy to glue and can withstand low and high temperatures. As a result, the car retains its presentation for a long time.

Polishing is done using polishes that contain polymers. An imperceptible film is formed on the external parts of the body, which is not only protection from negative environmental factors, but also from small chips and cracks.

But the biggest load falls, of course, on the bottom and wheel arches. To protect them, many good products are also produced: Movil, Anticorrosive.

If rust has already declared itself on the internal cavities and you noticed it in time, then you can use rust converters, such as Omega-1. The converters contain an acid that corrodes rust and turns it into a primer that you can then walk on with paint and varnish.

It is also important to pay attention to those parts of the body that are under the rubber seals - here corrosion will appear as soon as the rubber begins to dry out and crack. It should be wiped with a solution of glycerin to preserve its properties; special pastes are also on sale to extend the life of rubber parts.

It must be said that cathode-protective protection devices have recently begun to be offered to protect against corrosion. They polarize the metal and all oxygen ions do not go to the part, but to the electrode - a zinc plate or a wall of a metal garage. The effectiveness of this device can be called into question, since it performs well in a conductive medium - water, earth, but air is not such.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that any, even the most expensive car, is subject to corrosion. Timely detection of rust and protection by all available means from it is a guarantee that the car will retain its appearance for a long time.

We present to your attention a video about how to properly do anti-corrosion treatment. The video consists of 2 parts, both parts are presented on this page.


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