Bumper protection: function, application and price

Bumper protection: function, application and price

Bumper protection has a dual role: the first is to protect your bumper from weather, snags, scratches and protrusions, the second is aesthetic. There are different types of bumper protection, of which transparent film is the most recommended.

🚗 Why protect the bumper?

Bumper protection: function, application and price

Your bumper the front and rear, as the name suggests, have safety functions. They serve to absorb shocks in the front and rear of the vehicle. They can be directly integrated into bodywork or pin on top of it.

In both cases, they are susceptible not only to impacts, but also protrusions (gravel, etc.) and scratches. Driving around the city, where you can become the victim of a light collision or rub another car while parking, insects or even tar, dirt and rain can scratch your bumpers.

The damaged bumper must be repaired and repainted by the bodybuilder, which usually costs minimum 200 €... Solution: bumper protection.

Thus, the main benefit of this protection is to protect your front and / or rear bumper, extend its life and maintain the condition of your body. But bumper protection has other benefits as well.

Indeed, it is used not only to protect your bumper from bumps or bumps, but also from weather (sun ...) and time. The bumper cover retains its original color and appearance, appearance and appearance. In other words, it protects you from the vagaries of driving, but it also has real aesthetic role for your body.

🔎 What types of bumper protectors are there?

Bumper protection: function, application and price

There are different bumper protections. The most common is transparent protective filmwhich is applied directly to the body or bumper. If they are of good quality, this will limit yellowing or tarnishing. They can also be cleaned, especially on white cars, where the edges of the film can be seen when dirty.

These films can be installed by yourself or by a professional. Depending on the area you want to cover, it is usually recommended that the installation of the bumper guard be done by a qualified technician. This will ensure quality film and performance, flawless installation and flawless protection.

Some protective films on the bumper even thermal catharsis : This means that they do not need to be changed when micro-scratches appear, as they are absorbed by themselves. If the film is more damaged, it can be easily removed and replaced.

To protect your bumpers, you can also choose sticks to stick on the body. These protective stripes can be black or chrome.

it's the same preformed plastic protectors which adhere to the sides of the bumpers to protect them from light impacts as well as bumper sills designed to protect against scratches. They are located on the flat part of the rear bumper and are less aesthetically pleasing.

👨‍🔧 How to install the bumper guard?

Bumper protection: function, application and price

While there are different types of protections for your bumpers, they are often easy to install. Protective strips can be self-adhesive or clip-on for ease of use. On the other hand, it is more difficult to apply a protective film to the bumper.

Required material:

  • Protective film for bumper
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Cleaner
  • Cutter
  • Raclette

Step 1: clean up the area

Bumper protection: function, application and price

Prepare the installation of the film by cleaning the place where you intend to install it. To do this, degrease and clean the bumper. It is necessary to remove all accumulated dirt so that the installation of the film is smooth and inconspicuous, then dry the area well so that it adheres properly.

Step 2. Install the protective film on the bumper.

Bumper protection: function, application and price

Start at the cut marks, with the film upside down on the bumper. Glue it up like this and cut it to size, leaving a small margin on the sides. For convenience, hard cardboard can be inserted under the film.

Step 3: Apply a protective film to the bumper.

Bumper protection: function, application and price

Wet the bumper lightly. Remove the protection from the film and moisten it one by one. For ease of installation, remove this protection gradually. Then apply the film and use a squeegee to remove any air and water bubbles. Cut off any excess film, then remove the last bubbles and let dry.

💶 How much does bumper protection cost?

Bumper protection: function, application and price

The price of protection for your bumper depends primarily on the type of protection chosen, as well as on its quality, size or brand. Rolls of Protective Film Sell from € 20 but can rise up to 200 € depending on the quality of the film and the length of the roll.

For self-adhesive bumpers bumpers, count around from 15 to 20 € pair. Clip-on chopsticks are a little cheaper, aboutten euros.

Finally, professional installation of bumper protectors depends on the size of the vehicle and the coverage area. Think from 100 to 400 € bumper, and between 500 and 700 € do the front and back.

Now you know everything there is to know about bumper protection! For quality protection, we advise you to contact a professional. This will ensure you have a perfect and flawless fit to protect your bumpers without compromising their aesthetics!

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