Top 3 questions about car maintenance

Top 3 questions about car maintenance

The car needs a lot of maintenance and it's all worth it. Services are preventive in nature and help to avoid costly repairs in the future, so do not leave doubts and ask all your questions.

Maintenance is work that needs to be done with some regularity on all vehicles. Performing scheduled maintenance helps keep vehicles looking their best and keeps you from going to the body shop.  

However, not all people know what maintenance consists of, most people know about changing the oil, changing filters and much more, but not everything that your car needs in this job.

The best thing is that you are not left with any doubts and ask whatever you want. This will let you know what maintenance includes.

So, here we have collected three of the most common car maintenance questions.

What does scheduled vehicle maintenance include?

Routine vehicle maintenance includes oil changes, tire pressures, power steering fluid, and brake checks. 

It's also a good idea to check the fog lights and turn signals. They may stop working or fail due to damage. It is also important to check the brakes and parking lights. Your brakes will probably show some signs on the dashboard, depending on the age of your car.

How often does the car need service?

There are different intervals when other parts of the car need service. Drivers should check their headlights, brakes, oil/coolant levels, tires and windshield washer fluid monthly. All of these things are important for safe everyday driving, so check each of them more often.

Older vehicles with regular oil should be checked/replaced at this interval, three months or 3,000 miles. Most modern cars can last longer and it has been suggested that the 3,000 mile rule is seriously outdated. 

At six months, you should change the tires and check the battery. Please refer to the Owner's Manual for additional instructions as this may not be necessary for all vehicles. 

What is the most important thing in car care?

Oil and brake changes are the most important car maintenance tips. Drivers should also check their air filters every year to make sure they don't need to be replaced. 

Lighting is essential for driving safety. You can also get stopped for turning off the lights, which can be an expensive ticket that you don't need. Change tires as needed, especially in cold or wet weather.


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