5 homemade anti-foggers that will come out several times cheaper than car chemicals from the store
Tips for motorists

5 homemade anti-foggers that will come out several times cheaper than car chemicals from the store

Fogging windows in the car is a danger to the driver, which can lead to trouble and even an accident. Most often, windows sweat in winter (cold) and during rain (high humidity). If this situation is not new and no chemical means help to cope with the problem, there are several proven methods.

5 homemade anti-foggers that will come out several times cheaper than car chemicals from the store

Plain soap

To get rid of constantly sweating glasses, you will need a piece of ordinary hard soap (any).

First you need to rinse the glass and wipe it dry. Now strips or cells 1,5-2 cm in size are applied to it with a piece of soap. Having “painted” all the necessary glasses, excess soap is removed from the surface with a dry rag or sponge. The glass is wiped to a shine, no streaks should remain.

Using this method, you can also get rid of fogging of the mirror in the bathroom after a hot shower or glasses in glasses in winter, since the soap does not leave any traces.

Shaving gel or foam

Another equally effective way to prevent fogging of windows in a car is shaving gel or foam. The processing method is very simple and does not require much time:

  • clean windows that need to be treated;
  • dry without streaks;
  • apply a thin layer of gel on the glass and let it brew for 2-3 minutes, no longer, so as not to dry out;
  • wipe the glass dry, it should be free of streaks.

To process one side glass, you will need a “cloud” of foam with a diameter of 8-10 cm, and three times less gel. It is not necessary to smear all the glasses at once - it dries quickly. Each glass is processed and brought to readiness before proceeding to the next. It is better to start with the side windows, leaving the windshield for last, as the glass is large and will require at least some skill.

Any shaving foam (gel) is suitable, you can also use an expired product. Glass from such processing does not deteriorate, and the result will last for two to three weeks.

Alcoholic solution of glycerin

A good effective way to combat fogging is to apply a film to the glass. The chemical solution is sold in auto shops, but you can make it yourself. It contains glycerin and technical alcohol (denatured). The application principle is the same:

  • wash and dry the glass;
  • prepare a solution of glycerin and alcohol in a ratio of 1:10 or 2:10 (in ml);
  • take a dry, lint-free rag, dip it in the resulting solution, wring it out a little;
  • apply the solution and rub it on the glass to form a thin film.

Vinegar and essential oils

In order to prepare another solution that helps prevent fogging of windows in the car, you will need:

  • 2 Art. spoons of vinegar;
  • 10 drops of any essential oil;
  • 1 a glass of water.

Preparation of the solution:

  • heat a glass of water over a fire almost to a boil;
  • pour water into a bowl and add vinegar and oil to it, move everything carefully;
  • cool the mixture and pour into a spray bottle (you can buy a new one or use any).

The solution is used very simply - like any window cleaner. Apply with a spray bottle to the surface of the windows and rub dry with a lint-free cloth. The effect of such treatment will last for a month, then you can repeat it.

Water and vinegar help protect against moisture, and essential oil is added as a flavoring agent, so it can be anything.

Sorbents in bags

Various sorbent agents cope well with moisture in the car interior. For this, any dry products that absorb dampness are useful. They can be found in the store or at home in the closet. Such substances include:

  • coffee beans;
  • rice;
  • edible table salt;
  • silica gel cat litter;
  • baking soda.

In a paper envelope, in a cloth bag or an ordinary sock, you need to pour the selected product and put it in the salon. It will absorb excess liquid and get rid of dampness and fogging of glasses.

The coffee in the salon will show itself as a flavoring, so if you don't like the smell of it, it's better to choose another product.

Before you start using one of the methods to combat the fogging of windows in a car, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to any product.

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