5 important things to know about driver training
Auto repair

5 important things to know about driver training

Driving education is an important factor for many teenagers who are approaching that magical moment when they become licensed drivers. However, before all the unbridled freedom and power of driving is yours, there are a few important things you need to know about learning to drive.

Preparing Drivers

Driver training is designed to train both young and adult drivers interested in obtaining a driver's license. The goal is to make sure that the rules of the road as well as driving safety measures are understood before the new driver gets behind the wheel and drives the car himself.

All courses are not equal

When choosing a driving education course, it is important to make sure it is approved by your state. The growing number of courses available, especially online, can be a waste of time and money if your state doesn't recognize them. In addition, you must make sure that the instructor who teaches the course is properly licensed. As a general rule, the course must include 45 hours of classroom instruction followed by a minimum of 8 hours of driving instruction.

The course is not enough

While driver education is designed to help future drivers gain the knowledge they need to stay safe and comply with the rules of the road, education should not stop there. In order for a new driver to feel comfortable behind the wheel after obtaining a permit, additional driving time is needed with parents or other licensed drivers. This exposes the driver to more situations that may arise on the road and an experienced driver will be there to help him or her in the most difficult situations.

Requirements vary for each course

There are different requirements for driver training courses, whether it is a high school, a state, or a separate institution. While some accept students as young as 15, others require students to be 16. Some also have requirements regarding the cost and duration of the course.

Government Requirements

You will also need to check the driver education requirements for the state you live in. There are strict rules regarding whether a course is required for a license, eligibility and age requirements, and where the course must be taken.

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