Will he do the dishes and do the laundry?

Will he do the dishes and do the laundry?

Is washing dishes

Intel is researching a prototype butler robot that can perform simple but burdensome household tasks, such as washing dishes or doing laundry. HERB (Home Robot Butler), the fruit of a collaboration between engineers from Intel Labs in Pittsburgh and researchers from the US Carnegie Mellon University, is designed to help people with everyday household chores.

The robot is equipped with movable arms, a mobile base in the form of a two-wheeled electric vehicle, a camera and

a laser scanner that creates a 3D model of the room in which it is currently located.

Thanks to this structure, HERB can grab objects efficiently and move freely around the rooms, avoiding obstacles that stand in its way.

Intel's butler robot serves, cleans and washes dishes

The technology used in the robot allows it, among other things, to find and recognize objects in your environment. GRASS knows how to open doors, throw unwanted items in the trash can, sort dishes and even put them in the dishwasher. Intel's work should lead to a multifunctional home assistant that will relieve households of everyday, often burdensome tasks such as washing dishes, washing, ironing or carrying heavy things. (Ubergismo)


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