What do the immobilizer warning lights mean?
Auto repair

What do the immobilizer warning lights mean?

The immobilizer warning light comes on if your anti-theft system does not recognize the car key you are using, if it is the wrong key, or if the battery is dead.

A car can be a big investment, so it's important to make sure no one can take your car without your keys. Nowadays, almost all cars have built-in immobilizer systems that prevent the engine from starting unless the correct key is used.

In early systems, a simple code was stored on the key, which was read by the computer when trying to start the engine. More advanced encryption methods are now used, so it is much more difficult to fool the system these days. The general idea is the same: every time you turn the key, the car's computer reads the code from the key and compares it to known codes. If the computer finds a match, it will let you start the engine.

If a key match is not found, several things can happen. The engine may start and run for a few seconds before stalling, or the engine may not start at all. There is a warning light on the dashboard to let you know how the system is responding.

What does the immobilizer warning light mean?

Immobilizer indicators behave the same on different vehicles, but for specific information about your vehicle's system, please refer to the owner's manual. Typically, when the engine is first started, this indicator will illuminate for a few seconds to indicate that the correct key has been used. If the computer does not recognize the code on the key, the indicator will flash several times. You will not be able to start the engine until you use a recognizable key.

If your car has a keyless ignition, make sure the key is close enough to register it with the receiver inside the car. Even if the key fob battery is low or dead, most vehicles have a backup procedure in place to allow the vehicle to start. Information about this procedure will be included in the user manual.

All vehicles can have multiple registered codes at the same time, so you can have multiple keys to use the vehicle. To teach the car new codes, you need a factory scanner or an already known key.

Is it safe to drive with the immobilizer light on?

This warning light usually only comes on when the key is not recognized, so you don't have to worry about this light coming on when you are already driving. If this happens, try removing the key and reinserting it if you are having trouble starting the car. If you have any problems, check and make sure the key fob is not dead.

If your vehicle's immobilizer system is not working properly, our certified technicians will help you diagnose any issues you're experiencing.

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