What are flutes?
Repair tool

What are flutes?

What are flutes?Some designs of deburring tools have grooves that do the job of removing freshly cut material from the workpiece.What are flutes?When looking at the tool, a groove is usually recognized as a single groove or a series of grooves that wrap around the shank.What are flutes?The grooves on the deburring tool rotate counterclockwise.What are flutes?The resulting waste rises along the groove and is removed from the cutting edge.What are flutes?When this waste material is removed, the cutting edge of the tool can cut more easily.

How many flutes do I need?

What are flutes?

Three flutes

The XNUMX flute design is used for general machining of softer materials such as mild steel, wood, plastic and aluminium.

What are flutes?

Six flutes

The six flute design is used for cutting harder metals (such as stainless steel and tool steel). They are often called countersinks.

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