What is a universal post hole digger?
Repair tool

What is a universal post hole digger?


The universal pole hole digger differs in appearance and design from many other types. It consists of one long handle with a pointed blade at the end and a smaller lever-operated handle, again with a blade at the end.
What is a universal post hole digger?The blade at the end of the lever handle curves inward when the lever is down. This blade scoops up the soil while digging and effectively presses it against the other blade.
What is a universal post hole digger?This makes the universal excavator ideal for working on rocky or gravel ground, as the curvature means it can lift large items in the soil without damaging the blades.
What is a universal post hole digger?This type of backhoe may also be known as a Boston backhoe, although it is more common in the US.

How does a universal digger work?

What is a universal post hole digger?The universal digger works a little differently than other post hole diggers. It has one blade that plunges into the ground, and this blade then knocks out the dirt and breaks any large rocks or roots that get in the way.
What is a universal post hole digger?The user then lowers the lever-operated blade and picks up dirt. It does this by picking up any loose soil or debris and enclosing it between itself and another blade.
What is a universal post hole digger?This keeps the dirt inside the two blades, allowing the user to remove it from the hole.



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