Motorcycle Device

Tire pressure: what you need to know

Tire pressure is part of the maintenance of your motorcycle and is essential for your comfort and your safety. Many riders don't necessarily think about checking their tire pressure regularly. So how to properly inflate your motorcycle tires? What is the pressure for his motorcycle tires? How to ensure the correct tire pressure for your motorcycle? The Complete Guide to Motorcycle Tire Pressure.

Improperly inflated tires: what are the risks?

Improperly inflated tires can cause a number of factors that make driving difficult or even more expensive. Under-inflated or over-inflated tires can lead to excessive fuel consumption due to the weight of the motorcycle added to yours. It is important to distinguish between the effects of over-inflated and under-inflated tires. Indeed, the risks differ from situation to situation.

It can also go down ability to handle, the relationship between the road and your tires can be skewed by improperly inflated tires and you run the risk of running off the road. In addition, your driving may change depending on the tire pressure, because heaviness towards.

In terms of driving and ease of handling a motorcycle, improperly inflated tires make driving much more difficult and, moreover, create discomfort during the ride.

The fact that your tires are not properly inflated will increase your stopping distanceAs we mentioned earlier, the tire-to-road ratio changes, so you need to be alert and distance yourself from other users so that you can brake in time in the event of a slowdown.

Finally, improperly inflated tires need to be changed more regularly because they increases wear Therefore, not taking care of the tires will cost more than checking them regularly. Indeed, the surface in contact with the ground is larger and the tire rubber wears out much faster in the event of insufficient tire inflation.

In conclusion, improperly inflated tires lead to loss of comfort in your driving increase risk of accidents (exits, braking distance, risk of slipping) and there will be more expensive than usual. When driving on the track, riders are asked to inflate the motorcycle tires insufficiently to improve traction. But underpumping is prohibited and dangerous off-piste.

Motorcycle tire pressure

Tire pressure: what you need to know

Tire pressure monitoring is important, but how much should we inflate our tires to avoid all the risks mentioned above?

First of all, you should be aware that the tire pressure will depend on motorcycle type what you have (125, medium displacement, high displacement) and your weight.

Typically, the number of stripes a tire should have is indicated on a sticker at the swingarm level or under the seat, the problem with this sticker is that it peels off or fades over time, and if you get into the habit of looking at without keeping your inflation level there may be minor problems with the correct inflation of the tires.

You can find this figure in your motorcycle manual, admittedly we don't read it most of the time, but it can be useful when in doubt, otherwise you can mark somewhere how much to insert into each tire. to forget.

Tire pressure display

The tire pressure of a motorcycle depends on several factors: motorcycle, front or rear tire, tire size or type. Therefore, you should consult your motorcycle owner's manual for the ideal pressure for each tire. You can also rely on the instructions of the tire manufacturer. To give you an idea of ​​the correct tire pressure for your motorcycle, here are frequent guidelines for each tire.

Front tire pressure

  • 2 bars for 125 cm3.
  • 2.2 bars for motorcycles of medium volume (500-600 cm3).
  • 2.5 bars for large engines.

Rear tire:  For rear tires, the rates are the same.

Petites Consult: 

If you are planning to make a long trip or your motorcycle is loaded, it is recommended to increase inflation by 0.3 bar.

If you are driving on a wet road, it is advisable to increase inflation. 0.2 bar.

After every pressure check, remember to inflate by 0.1 bar because when you inflate your tires, you lose pressure.

How to check tire pressure?

To check the tire pressure and inflate the tires correctly, you must do this. Cold because if your tires hot during control it will display 0.3 bar higher than the actual tire pressure. If you want to know if your tires are hot, just touch them with your hands (without gloves, of course). If you want to check your pressure, your body temperature must be higher than the temperature of your tires.

If you have hot tires, it is recommended that you wait at least one half an hour before touching your tires.

Tire pressure: what you need to know

When to check your tire pressure?

You should check your tire pressure regularly, in general, this is every 1000 km or every 15 days... If you really don't have time to do it that often, try doing it at least once a month.

Why do you do this so many times, will you tell me?  

The reason is very simple: the more you drive, the more the tires lose pressure and wear out. In addition, temperature changes do not help this pressure loss because in cold weather the air becomes denser and the tire pressure drops too.


  • Pay attention to filling station devices, if they look old and worn out, do not use them, otherwise you risk getting distorted pressure due to device malfunction.
  • It is advisable to purchase a portable pressure gauge, it will allow you to monitor the tire pressure and guarantee your peace of mind. It costs about twenty euros or less, depending on the model.
  • Garages can lend you if needed, just ask them politely and with a smile.

Thus, tire pressures should be applied regularly for your comfort or for your safety, this is an important part of maintaining your motorcycle.

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