Motorcycle Device

Long motorcycle trip: how to prepare?

Do you want to travel around France on a motorcycle or go on a motorcycle trip? This is not a trip that you improvise overnight. A minimum of organization is required in order not to succumb to fatigue, which will be your worst enemy, and the vagaries of mechanics.

How to prepare your motorcycle for a long ride? How to stay in top shape while riding your motorcycle? Does riding with a load affect the handling of the motorcycle on a long trip?

Discover our long bike ride preparation guide

Make sure your motorcycle is ready for a long ride  

The purpose of this maneuver is not to break. Checking the mechanics of the motorcycle is mandatory.

Condition of motorcycle tires

Your tires must be properly inflated. Go to an inflating station to check inflation and adjust the pressure (adjust the tire pressure if you will be loaded during the ride).

Motorcycle brake system

Long motorcycle trip: how to prepare?

Brake pads have to withstand long journeys, just like discs or drums. Also, do not forget to check the brake fluid level and especially its color. If it is very dark (brown), it has already lost 90% of its capacity, so it will need to be replaced.

Motorcycle lighting system  

You rarely think about this, if you are driving during the day, burned-out bulbs on the headlights and indicators are not needed. This check will only take a few minutes. Provide spare bulbs just in case.

Motorcycle belt

The belt is essential, so don't be afraid to do a little check. It must be properly tensioned and not too worn out.

Prepare for a long motorcycle ride

I'm not telling you to do push-ups. Here are some tips for conserving your energy.

Prepare for your trip in advance

Before getting on a motorcycle, it is important to be aware of the road conditions, such as work that will require deflection (and therefore more travel time). Having a real timetable allows you to plan pause spots in advance, which will allow you to better keep the steering wheel on the road. Also check the weather conditions, they will greatly affect your comfort and safety. 

Relax for a few hours before traveling 

It seems obvious: rest is the perfect setting for many hours of motorcycling. Don't leave on Friday night after work to avoid traffic jams. Fatigue will be your worst enemy. Don't rely on coffee to keep you going. This will only push back your state of fatigue, the reaction will be very difficult.

Take regular breaks

Long motorcycle trip: how to prepare?

We repeat enough, but it is very important to stretch the limb. If you are driving on the freeway, it will also give your eyes a rest. If you don't drink coffee, you can substitute tea or an energy drink. If you are in a hurry, even a 5-minute break is enough, you do not need to stop for half an hour.  

Tips for a Long Motorcycle Ride with Peace of Mind

Here are some additional tips to help you avoid stress during your trip.

Don't drive too busy

Loading makes your bike heavier. Acceleration will be smoother and cornering harder. You will definitely have to pay extra attention. It's hard not to charge on a long trip, so grab the essentials. Place the heaviest items in the center of the motorcycle when loading.

Prepare motorcycle documents 

Unfortunately, problems don't just happen to others. Read the motorcycle insurance contract carefully so that you know your rights in the event of a problem (breakdown assistance, assistance). This will give you peace of mind in the event of an emergency. Prepare the necessary documents in advance: driver's license, insurance, gray card, green card.

Check your motorcycle equipment

Well maintained equipment will make your trip even more enjoyable. This will affect your fatigue throughout the journey. Adapt your equipment to climatic conditions. The equipment of the "tourist" line is ideal for long journeys.

How do you prepare for the trip? What's your favorite route? Feel free to share your experience

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