Driver's exam: three kopecks on courses
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Driver's exam: three kopecks on courses

Driver's exam: three kopecks on courses A letter from one of our readers about the quality of training for driver candidates touched the auto expert, who decided to add his observations.

Driver's exam: three kopecks on courses

Here are excerpts from our reader's e-mail sent to the editor: “I have had a driver's license since 1949. I worked as a professional driver from September 1949 until I started my studies in September 1953. After completing them in 1957, to this day I still drive and work in the automotive industry. I have traveled over a million kilometers in my life and have never been involved in an accident.(…) During my career, I have also been involved in teaching the rules of the road and the operation of vehicles in courses for obtaining a driver's license. Since the beginning of 2006, I have been a forensic expert in the field of the influence of the technical condition of vehicles on the occurrence of traffic accidents and the analysis of their causes. Until XNUMX, I participated in all symposiums organized by the Institute of Forensic Science in Krakow on traffic accidents and accidents. I am an automotive appraiser for the Ministry of Infrastructure. As a forensic expert, I have analyzed and evaluated thousands of traffic accidents and collisions over the years. So I have some knowledge and experience that gives me the right to talk about the methods and ways of teaching drivers in driving courses.

I consider it a tragedy to train and test drivers of the rules of the road with tests. (...) Today's drivers, scientists in tests, pass the theory exam well, although they have no idea about the content of the regulations. The average driver after a modern driving course does not know where and how to watch the road, how to watch how another road user is moving and what to pay special attention to. He does not know and does not understand, because no one has taught him what safe driving is and what it is all about. The test results are deplorable, which is revealed only in court at hearings. For example - the driver says that he was “skidded” and he lost control of the steering wheel, although he was driving safely, because it was only 80 km / h, and the speed limit was 90 km / h. This driver does not know, because no one on the course told him that when the road is dry and it has rained for a while, the dust on the road is a lubricant that drastically reduces the amount of tire grip on the ground. .

In my opinion, no tests invented by even the most powerful minds of computer scientists can replace many of the nuances of correct and safe driving behavior in the driver's mind, broadcasting and introducing into the driver's mind. Only a qualified and experienced lecturer can teach the correct and safe behavior of a driver on the road, and knowledge can be tested not by any test, but by a reliable examiner during a conversation with the examiner.

I understand that my screams are "peas against the wall", but I think it's worth talking about it.

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