Phase 2, dealerships open, some no-fines rules
Construction and maintenance of Trucks

Phase 2, dealerships open, some no-fines rules

According to the infamous Ateco codes what we have learned by now knows better than TV channels on May 4, 2020 car dealerships reopen and therefore trucks, as well as workshops, which in fact could always remain open, and tire dealers. This is the last big news, as 15 May 2020 The extension period for tire fitting also expires in the case of tires not approved for use in summer temperatures.

There are tests for normality, so even if it is still before going back to pre-coronavirus situations, it will still take some time. It should also be said that transport sector it never stopped and predicted it should also be subject to a slight increase given the increasing use of “home birth”. But what can and cannot be done from May 4th, how about vans?

All representations at the level of standards

The first step is definitely about an environment that welcomes customers. Dealerships launched one set of protocols sanitation and adaptation of designs to receive clients. We always remember that, in accordance with Government decrees, in closed, open to the public places it is necessary wear a surgical mask and the entrance to the halls is limited so that there are no crowds.

Always make an appointment

General advice remains to ask as Websites houses like individual dealers. In fact, almost all brands have provided customers with alternative tools to going directly to the dealership, if only for preliminary advice as well as advice on purchasing and available financial instruments.

Then, if a visit is also needed to complete a sale or lease, always make an appointment with confirmation email or text message to get a response for any checks. Recall that, along with supermarkets and pharmacies and other retailers open to the public, even travel to dealerships is possible.

Go to the workshop 

Considering that we restrict ourselves to the interpretation of the subject from the point of view commercial transport and industrial, with the exception of transport as a necessary type of activity, keeping and maintaining in good condition the car falls as in the case work tool as in that of public utility... Then, head to the van service workshop. always allowed, obviously, upon presentation of self-certification.

Buying a new car

If we talk about ADVERTISING in case of revocation the car has already been purchased the problem does not arise because the premise is to protect functional product for occupation, which is basic for those who perform courier functions or support staff for those who use the van to deliver or visit customers (provided that the permitted activities are carried out).

As for choosing a new car, however no They may be so auto and then you have to prove actual purchase need (or rent) a new car. Obviously, this is nit-picking, so I always believe in common sense of control bodiesnot least because rarely does anyone want to waste time looking in a car dealership for no reason.

Modifications and replacement of tires

Part of the speech can be made for interference required by law service. Let's talk about modifications and tire replacement. concerning revisions minus expansion what the Ministry of Transport has granted to persons whose isolation period is about to expire does not seem to exist impediments to their performance.

For change bus May 15 expires the renewal period for the replacement of winter tires that have speed code lower than prescribed in the booklet. So even so no there should be problems... Obviously, everything is allowed in the case tire change due to puncture or excessive wear on the tread as these circumstances compromise safety.

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