How long does a trunk lock cylinder last?
Auto repair

How long does a trunk lock cylinder last?

The car has many different security features that will keep thieves at bay. Among the most useful of these security features are car door and trunk locks….

The car has many different security features that will keep thieves at bay. Among the most useful of these security features are the locks on your car's doors and trunk. The locks you have on your car are very complex and designed to do a specific job. The trunk lock cylinder will require you to use a specific key to open it and gain access to the trunk. The lock cylinder is made up of gears and various metal parts, which means it can show signs of wear over time.

Ideally, the locks on a car should last a lifetime, but due to the wear and tear they experience, this is not always the case. Factors such as weather and lack of lubrication can wreak havoc on the inside of the lock cylinder. There are a variety of things you will notice when it comes time to replace the lock cylinder. Failure to act when these signs appear can lead to many different problems and may result in you being unable to access your trunk. Instead of waiting to get this type of repair done, you will need to take the time to find the right professionals to help you.

Most often, problems leading to the replacement of the trunk lock cylinder are associated with excess moisture in the device. The presence of a large amount of moisture usually leads to rust, which only leads to the drying of the lubricant in the lock. Trying to free the rusted parts of the castle is not easy and usually fails. While there are several aerosol lubricants on the market that can help, they are usually not as effective.

Here are a few things you'll notice when it's time to replace your trunk lock cylinder:

  • Cylinder does not rotate
  • The key cannot fully enter the cylinder
  • Cylinder rotates without resistance

Once you start noticing these symptoms, you will need to make concessions to get things right. Have a licensed mechanic replace a faulty trunk lock cylinder to rule out further problems with your vehicle.

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