How do you know when to change your transmission fluid?
Auto repair

How do you know when to change your transmission fluid?

Transmission oil or fluid is a vital part of your vehicle's operation as it lubricates the various components and internal surfaces of the transmission system, preventing wear over time. Although it is rare to change...

Transmission oil or fluid is a vital part of your vehicle's operation as it lubricates the various components and internal surfaces of the transmission system, preventing wear over time. While you rarely need to change your transmission fluid other than every 30,000 miles or every other year as a preventative measure, there are times when you may need to flush your transmission fluid more frequently. See a mechanic right away if you notice any of the following symptoms in your vehicle, which may indicate it's time to change your transmission fluid:

  • Grinding or squealing when shifting gears: These noises are not just annoying, but point to a more serious problem under the hood. If you hear a grinding or squealing, stop as soon as possible and check the transmission oil or fluid level with the engine running. When you do this, also pay attention to the color of the liquid. If it is anything other than bright red, you may need to change your transmission fluid.

  • Switching is difficult: Whether you're driving an automatic or manual car, it shifts gears anyway. If you have an automatic, you may notice that it shifts "harder" or at odd times that seem to be earlier or later than usual. With a manual transmission, it can be physically difficult to shift into the desired position.

  • Unexplained surge: Sometimes, when you need to change your transmission oil due to dirty fluid, your car may jerk forward or backward as if you stepped on the gas or brake pedal for no apparent reason. This is due to contaminants in the fluid preventing constant flow through the transmission system.

  • Gear slip: When transmission fluid or oil flow is interrupted due to sand and dirt inside the system, it affects the pressure levels that hold the gears in place. This can cause your transmission to intermittently slip out of gear without any warning.

  • Delay in motion after switching: Sometimes, dirty transmission fluid can cause a car or truck to stall after a gear shift, which is also associated with fluid flow being interrupted. This delay can be as little as a moment or a few seconds, and longer delays likely indicate more contamination in your gear oil.

If you encounter any of these problems while driving, it makes sense to check the transmission system carefully. While a simple transmission fluid change, especially if the transmission oil is anything other than bright red or has a burning smell, may solve your problems, there is a good chance something else is wrong and the fluid problem is just a symptom. bigger problem. If for no reason other than peace of mind, consider calling one of our experienced mechanics for a consultation that can save you a substantial amount of money and reduce future headaches.

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