How and how much you can earn on car resale
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How and how much you can earn on car resale

how much can you earn on the resale of carsI decided to share with all readers of the site information that is quite interesting for many, which relates to making money on buying and further reselling cars for the purpose of making money. No writings and retellings of dealers - only my personal experience.

A few months ago, with one of my friends, we decided to start reselling cars in order to earn at least a little and get into the essence of this method of making a profit. I want to warn you that up to this point, we had no experience in this area, and at first we decided to take something cheaper, so that in case of failure we would not get too much money. Below I will try to describe in more detail the methodology for finding and evaluating a car, as well as describe everything specifically with examples.

Where to look for good options for buying a car?

Since the lion's share of today's offers for the purchase and sale of cars is on the Internet, it was decided from here to start your search. The first step was to analyze all local classified sites.

Also, do not forget about the giants of the Internet business in the auto industry, such as AUTO.RU and AVITO. It is on these resources that you can find the most worthwhile options.

I can say from personal experience that cars on AUTO.RU are a little more expensive than on Avito. And one more plus in favor of the second site - the number of cars sold there is much larger. So it is worth considering this when looking for a suitable option. As a result, as a result of our short search, it was on AVITO that an excellent option for purchase was found.

It should be noted that often used cars are sold with significant or minor damage and must be repaired before reselling the car. Most often, there are external damaged cars with dents, scratches and other errors, but the blessing that there is removal of dents without painting and it costs much less than repainting the entire damaged part.

Deal #1 – Buy an Audi 100

The first car we bought was an old 100 Audi 1986 with a carburetor engine. The car was in average condition both in terms of bodywork and in some basic units, such as the engine and power steering.

As for the bodywork, there were two main problems:

  1. The first was a hand-sized hole in the front right glass. Thanks to my friend, everything was done with almost no visible signs of repair. His friend, a familiar welder, did everything in the best possible way.
  2. The second problem is that the right rear fender is rotten at the bottom. It was also welded and there are practically no signs of repair, especially after priming and paint, even at home.

Now for the engine. He was already quite tired. since the oil consumption was more than 2 liters per 500 kilometers. Not only the piston rings were worn out, but also the parts of the cylinder head, namely the valve guides. We did not repair it, we just told the potential buyer about all this during the sale.

As a result, we got something like the following picture:

  • The purchase amount was 27 rubles
  • The total costs for welding and painting, as well as bringing the machine to the external and internal order, amounted to 3 rubles.
  • The car was sold in just a week, and the deal amounted to exactly 50 rubles. I think it will not be difficult to calculate that we earned 000 rubles of net profit on this machine. Which is equal to 20 thousand for each.

Sale No. 2 - Volga GAZ 3110 1998 release

I won't go into detail here, since the scheme is similar. The important thing is to find a cheap car and sell it for more. The Volga was all rotten, but the engine, axle and gearbox were in excellent condition. We bought this car for 13 rubles through local communications.

We spent 1000 rubles on cosmetic repairs and after 20 days sold for 25 rubles. You yourself can calculate that we earned 000 rubles on this deal. Also a pretty good result, considering that nothing was being repaired and it didn't take much time.

It is worth considering one rule if you want to start making money on the resale of cars. You need to look for exactly cheap options that you are able to sell more expensive. That is, at least approximately adequately assess the situation. You should not take expensive cars or average cost in the expectation that there will be a “fool” who will buy it.

One comment

  • Goluba

    You can earn on resale as much as you devote time and effort to this business. You can earn $ 100, or you can earn a thousand with the right, and most importantly, serious approach to the issue. Perceive every business that you decide to do - the main business of your whole life - and you will certainly be successful!

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