How not to fall asleep while driving
Machine operation

How not to fall asleep while driving

When you are driving for more than 10 hours, it becomes very difficult to stay alert, control the traffic situation and respond in time to various incidents on the road. According to the statistics of traffic accidents, about 40% of all accidents are the result of lack of sleep for drivers. Particularly affected by lack of sleep are truck drivers who ignore a simple rule: short sleep is the best way to combat fatigue.

How not to fall asleep while driving

Here are some tips to help you stay vigilant while driving.

Short stops

If you feel the first signs of fatigue - lethargy, drowsiness, depression - try to stop in the nearest pocket, get out of the car, stretch your tired muscles. Remember the old film about Stirlitz - 30 minutes of sleep will replace any invigorating drinks, loud music or conversations with passengers. Experienced drivers do just that, try to take an example from them.

Invigorating drinks

Energy drinks have a short-term effect, you should not abuse them, because their effect on the body is extremely ambiguous. They will help you feel more cheerful for a while by activating the resources of the body. But when their action is over, you will feel even more sleepy and tired. A can of Red Bull or Burn will prove effective if you need to get to your destination quickly, but coffee or green tea is better. Keep in mind that caffeine has a detrimental effect on the heart, so resort to such remedies as a last resort.

Music and communication

If you are not alone in the cabin, then interesting communication while driving will not let you fall asleep, the main thing is that the interlocutor can keep up the conversation, especially if the topic is burning and exciting for you. If you are traveling alone, put on some upbeat music, preferably not your favorite artist. For example, if you can't stand rock, then turn on just such music, but in no case romantic ballads or “slow songs”.


Various lollipops, croutons, chips will help you stay awake. When your taste buds are irritated, it is very difficult to fall asleep. Truck drivers always stock up on a long trip with various light foods, it helps to keep the feeling of hunger, and at the same time you are constantly busy with something.

Remember - safety first, 10 hours of driving causes fatigue and loss of concentration. Mother nature has not come up with a better remedy for fatigue than a good night's sleep.

Video on how not to fall asleep in the car at night and in the morning.

Don't sleep at the wheel!


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