How to transfer ownership of a car in Florida
Auto repair

How to transfer ownership of a car in Florida

PTS confirms the ownership. If you are buying a car, you need to make sure the ownership is transferred to your name. Dealership buyers generally don't need to worry about this process as the dealer will handle everything for them. However, if you are buying from a private seller or are the seller in question, there are a few things you need to know about how to transfer ownership of a car in Florida.

What should buyers do

For buyers, the transfer of ownership of a car in Florida is not particularly difficult. With that said, there are a few important steps here:

  • Make sure the seller has completed the transfer section on the back of the title.
  • Fill out an application for a certificate of ownership with / without registration.
  • Get car insurance (and have an insurance certificate).
  • Complete the Florida Insurance Affidavit.
  • Make sure you have the money for the appropriate fees, which include the following:
    • License plate fee ($225) if you don't have a license plate to transfer to your vehicle.
    • Registration fee (depending on the vehicle and from 46 to 72 USD)
    • $72.25 for the digital edition (or you can pay $77.75 for the hard copy if you prefer)
    • $2 for a deposit on a vehicle
  • Take it all to your county tax office.

Common Mistakes

  • Failure to receive a security clearance document from the seller (please note that if this is not provided, you, the buyer, will be responsible for paying any security deposits)
  • No bill of sale (this is not required by the DMV, but a notarized bill of sale can provide peace of mind)

What to do for sellers

Sellers also have a few specific steps to follow in order to transfer ownership of a car in Florida.

  • Complete all relevant sections on the back of the header, making sure to sign and date.
  • Complete the bill of sale and provide the buyer with a copy (notarized).
  • Provide the buyer with a document of satisfaction of the lien if the title is not free of lien.
  • After the sale, complete and submit to DHSMV a Notice of Sale and/or invoice for the sale of your vehicle, RV, SUV, or boat.

Donate or inherit a car

The process of donating a car is identical to buying/selling it and requires the same forms and steps. Car inheritance is also very similar, but there are a couple more steps. In addition to the standard paperwork and fees, you will also need to provide a copy of a will or other legal document, as well as a death certificate from the previous owner. This information must be provided to the county tax office before you take possession of the vehicle (but after you receive insurance coverage for it).

For more information on how to transfer ownership of a car in Florida, visit the state DHSMV website.

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